Idiot | M. Atsumu

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Warnings: Time-skip spoilers, cursing, slight angst, mentions of insecurities⚠️

Atsumu hated arguing, especially when it was with you. He couldn't stand disagreeing with you, it always made him feel so bad.

He was always busy with volleyball, more than in high school since he plays professionally now.

He was gone for most of the time during the season, and it made him feel bad for leaving you behind, so coming back home he wanted to do anything but argue.

Of course, he understood that it's completely normal for couples to argue, but the current situation was pretty dumb, according to him.

"I just hate how they throw themselves on you when they know you have a girlfriend." You reasoned. This conversation has came up multiple times, some more heated than others.

"I can't just push 'em off, y'know that." He began. "I 'ave ta be nice, otherwise my manager will kill me." He chuckled at the last sentence.

You rolled your eyes and turned your head away from him. You knew it wasn't good to get jealous, but how could you not when they threw themselves on him!

"Angel.." He frowns.

"Don't, Atsumu."

He cringed at his first name being used instead of his nickname you always called him.

"I promise a don't like 'em." He assured you.

"Can't you just give them boundaries? It's not fair for me to watch you get smothered by other girls." You sigh. "You wouldn't like it if I had guys all over me."

"'Yer right, a wouldn't like that." He calmly says, clenching his fist until it turned white. Just the thought of other guys being all over you made him angry. "But-"

"No." You sternly say. "Please just tell them to give you space. Please."

He sighs. "Alright, Angel. I will." He opened his arms for you to give him a hug, you gladly accepted and he gave you a reassuring kiss.

Finally he got to cuddle you all day after being away for a game, he swore he'd try his best from now on.

The following week he had another away game, just like any other time you drove him to the airport and bid him a goodbye.

No matter how many times the two of you said goodbye, it never got any easier.

You promised him that you'd be watching his game on tv, and you did just that.

He played well, sending beautiful sets to his teammates, along with his serves being on point, not missing one.

You couldn't wait to congratulate him once he got home. The game ended and he ended up getting interviews, as always.

It was getting late, so you figured you'd just watch the interviews later on YouTube, knowing they'd be posted by the time you woke up.

You sent him a congratulating text, along with a goodnight since it was late. You accidentally fell asleep before he got the chance to answer.

The next morning was luckily your day off. You had a short conversation with Atsumu before he headed off for practice.

While you were cleaning around the house a bit, you put on one of the interviews he was on as a background.

As usual they asked multiple questions varying on the game tonight and about his life at the moment.

What caught your eye was that after the interview, the camera panned out and he was immediately greeted by some fans, which wasn't a big deal.

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