Late night walk | S. Kiyoomi

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Warnings: mentions of anxiety, cursing, comforting⚠️

You've had trouble sleeping these last few days, you're awake at odd hours, Kiyoomi is in his off season right now so he's been able to help you most days when you let him know.

You're not sure why your anxiety is up and going, but all you know is that you're up. What always helps you is drinking water in slow sips because it eases the tightness in your throat.

Kiyoomi is no stranger to anxiety either, he's had his fair share, he has different coping mechanisms, and he's shared some with you and they've really helped.

You can't stand another second in bed, you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and cool yourself down. You're feeling a little better now, carefully you step out of the room and down to the kitchen.

You take small, slow sips of the cool water. Taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. You need a distraction quick, you happen to have your phone on you so you play relaxing music while you count your breathing.

This helps you ground yourself and take away all the fluster mess going on inside your head. In the middle of exhaling your sixth breath, you hear footsteps belonging to none other than your boyfriend.

"What're you doing up?" He asks as he grabs a cup from the cupboard and fills it in the sink, taking a long sip and ultimately finishing the entire drink before you could answer.

He takes a second to shake off his sleepiness, he hears the soft tunes coming from your phone, the cold water near you, it immediately clicks with him.

"Can't sleep again?" You merely nod, feeling bad for having him awake now when he should be asleep, resting his body.

"Hey, don't." He notices your gaze going downward, meaning you're thinking that you're a burden. "If I'm being honest, I woke up really anxious too." He gives you a sincere look, you knew he wasn't lying.

"I'm not even tired. I tried sleeping then—well you know, I woke up feeling all hot and a little nauseous." You explain. Feeling better that you're acknowledging it and talking about it. "How do you feel?"

"Really frazzled," he sighs, "And I woke up frantic and in a cold sweat." He rolls out his neck. "But I'm feeling a little better, talking with you."

"Me too." You agree. "Anything I can do for you? To help I mean."

"Hey, don't worry about me. I recover quick. Yours are more lengthy," he pauses. "I've heard walks help, do you wanna go?"

It's late so that means there's little to no one, it's also a beautiful city with cool wind, and there's no need to worry about anything unsafe when there's, 1) your big and scary boyfriend, and 2) park rangers patrol 24/7.

"Yeah let's go for a walk." You smile, going upstairs to put on a zip up in case it's chilly, and some shoes. Kiyoomi slips on some sneakers and grabs his keys and wallet.

"You ready, love?" He calls out to you.

"Yeah." You hand him his chilled water bottle. He opens the door and lets you head out. "I don't think anyone walks at night. We might look suspicious."

He chuckles, "Maybe, but it's nice and fresh out here. Plus I've always wanted to take a night walk."

"And there's no people, so it won't be loud." You add on. He links pinkies with you, not too much affection because you're both still coming down from anxiety, but just enough to show that you're both there, keeping each other grounded.

The walk is better than you thought. You already had high hopes before, but now it's just so much better. The slight wind eases your temperature, the soft water sounds and just nature in general beats your calming music by a landslide, and it's just all so refreshing.

You felt so much better than when you woke up, you're sure your boyfriend feels the same because there's a small smile etched on his face, taking place from his usual frown or deadpanned face.

"Do you feel better?" You ask, taking another small sip of water.

Kiyoomi nods, "Much better, you?"

"Same. I'm starting to get a little tired too." You admit, kicking at the rock in front of you, watching it roll around and coming to a stop.

"How about we start to head home, yeah?" He suggests, starting to feel a little tired himself. He may even sleep in an hour or two before he gets up for his morning run.

"Let's head home." You squeeze his pinky. He brings your hand to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss.

The walk back is mostly quiet, you're both a little drained from minds running around frantically, you're both feeling much much better.

You take off your shoes and end up grabbing a tiny snack, granola bar to keep you through the night with no interruptions. Kiyoomi eats one too, and takes a sip of his water.

Now you're in the bathroom, brushing teeth for the second time that night. It was domestic, nice to feel the comfort of your lover doing everyday things.

You both lay in bed again, in new clothes to ensure a good sleep, he lets you rest on his chest while he rubs his hand back and forth on your back, soothing you more than you already are.

You draw tiny shapes on his chest, he loves when you do this. It tickles a little, but it eases his mind so much. He finds his eyelids getting heavy, harder to keep them open and admiring you.

"I love you, Y/n." He kisses the top of you head softly.

"I love you more, Kiyoomi. Thank you for the walk, it really helped." You say in his chest, nuzzling yourself closer, it brings him so much joy.

"And thank you for helping me too, I appreciate it a lot." His voice is much huskier now that he's laced with sleep.

You hum and kiss his chest, finally feeling the sleep come over you. Your steady breathing is enough to allow him to drift off as well, making sure you were all okay before him.

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