Wisdom teeth | U. Wakatoshi

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Warnings: Mentions of blood, surgery, needles, both reader and ushijima just graduated school⚠️

"Are you nervous?" You asked Ushijima.

He thought for a moment while he finished grabbing the last of his things.

"Not really, they're doctors, they should know what they're doing." He replies.

You nodded and agreed with him, settling in the passenger seat while he got in the drivers seat.

"I can't wait to see how'll you act." You chuckle. "Do you remember when I got mine out?"

"Yes, I do." He smiled. "You cried the whole time because I wasn't there in the waiting room. And you called me like 4 times." He recounts the memory.

"Oh shush, I don't think you'll cry, but I'll be sure to record you." You smiled and hold up your phone.

"I feel like I'll have control over myself." He stood up tall in his seat as he backed out of his driveway.

"You're also lucky that you're getting them out when we're graduated, I had to miss a week of school." You recalled.

"That's true, I wouldn't like to play catch-up with homework." He nodded and swiftly took a turn onto the freeway.

In no time you ended up in front of the place, you grabbed your purse and exited out the door.

Ushijima held your hand on the way in, giving you a reassuring squeeze; for most likely himself.

"Hi there! Do you have an appointment?" The lady at the front greets.

"Yes, Ushijima Wakatoshi." He says and the lady confirmed the appointment and notified the doctor that he had arrived.

He signed a few last minute things before finally getting the 'okay' and was told to wait until his name was called.

"I'm getting nervous for you."

"How badly does it hurt when the anesthetics wear off?" He questions.

"From what I remember, it was bad, but I also have a low pain tolerance so..." You trailed off.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi?" A nurse called out, scanning the waiting room.

Your boyfriend stood up from his seat.

"I'll see you in a little, okay? I love you." You say.

"I love you, too." He nodded and kissed you momentarily, you let go of his hand and he gave you a small wave at the door before he disappeared.

It'd take about an hour from what your mother told you. In the meantime you relaxed in the waiting room, distracting yourself with your phone.

After awhile that got a little boring, so you took it upon yourself to actually look around the room.

A small family was waiting patiently, along with another girl your age.

The area had many magazines on the multiple coffee tables, some toys for kids and there was a tv mounted on the wall, playing some animal documentary.

"L/n Y/n?" The same nurse from before opened the door, you softly smiled and stood up, having your phone ready to record.

"Your boyfriend woke up and immediately started asking for you." She explained.

You chuckled and followed her to the room he was in, she opened the door and allowed you to go in first.

"Toshi?" You softly say as you sat in front of him, placing a hand on his thigh.

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