Injuries | U. Wakatoshi

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Warnings: Cursing, mentions of a physical fight, some blood⚠️

"Oh, you're here?" Semi questions as he places his shoes and kneepads down on the floor.

"It's not like my boyfriend practices here or anything," You playfully roll your eyes. "Of course I'm here, idiot."

"No, I didn't mean it like that." He lightly chuckles, "It's just that I thought you heard."

Your head has never whipped faster than it did just now. "Heard what?"

"You don't know..?" Semi's eyes widen.

The gym door opens and chatters filled the quiet gym.

"Hey, Y/n." Tendou raised his eyebrows.

"Now explain to me what happened, please." You seriously demanded.

Tendou and Semi make eye contact, while you turned away for a second, Tendou whispered something to semi then quickly got up when you turned back.

"Wakatoshi said to buy him time, don't tell her." Tendou whispers.

"Well, Wakatoshi sorta got in a... grapple." Semi nods.

You pinched the bridge of your nose, "What the hell is a "grapple"?" You air quoted.

"Basically what Semisemi here is trying to say, is that your lovely boyfriend got in a little quarrel." Tendou says.

"So... he argued with someone? What's so wrong with that?" You raise your arms in defeat, a bit frustrated that two of your friends weren't getting to the point quick enough.

"Yeah... you could say that." Semi was a terrible liar, and you've found that out recently about him when they all planned a surprise birthday party for you, his face said it all.

"You're lying, please tell me the truth." Your focus was on Semi, ignoring Tendou's yells, reminding Semi that they weren't supposed to say anything.

The gym door opened once again, your hopes were lower than the ground when it was Goshiki coming in.

"Oh, hi Y/n! I thought you'd be with Ushijima? He's patching himself up after his fight." Goshiki innocently says.

"Dude! You weren't supposed to say anything!" Tendou says loudly.

"Well it's too late now, Tsutomu, please. You're my only hope, no ones telling me what's going on." You beg.

Goshiki's eyes glanced back and forth from you and his two teammates, he felt bad that you hadn't known about the situation.

"Ushijima fought some guy, he got a little hurt so he's in the nurses office getting cleaned up. He won though! If that's what you're worried about!" Goshiki quickly says.

"No! Why didn't you guys tell me?" You turn to your friends.

"Wakatoshi told us not to." Tendou sighs.

"He didn't want you to worry." Semi cringes.

"Thank you, Tsutomu, I'll deal with you two later." With that you left the gym, walking quickly to the nurses office.

Ushijima curses silently, his knuckles were bruising, nothing some ice wouldn't fix.

He was startled by your voice, he wasn't expecting you to call him by his full name.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi." You closed the door behind you.

"Y/n." He tenses up, hiding his left hand by scratching the back of his neck.

"You fought someone?" You take his arm, pulling it down. His knuckles had blood on them, you weren't sure if it was his or not.

"I have a good reason, love."

"And what is that, hm? How come I had to find out you're hurt from your teammates." You finish inspecting his hand, letting it go softly as you find a medical kit.

"This guy was talking bad about you, so I punched him." He bluntly says.

You sighed. "Who cares what people say about me, you don't go fighting someone! What if you got hurt, worse than this." You motion to his knuckle.

"That's not my blood, it's only bruising. Plus, I won." He sits himself down as you bring a chair up to him, cleaning him up. "I care, it made me angry what he said about you, so I told him if he didn't shut his mouth, I'd punch him."

"Let me guess, you did." You obviously state, and he nods.

It was silent for a moment while you thought of what else to say to him, you were frustrated that you had to find all this out by his teammates.

"I'm sorry, love." His deep voice echos in the room.

"There's going to be more people who say bad things about me." You begin.

"And I'd kick their asses too." He says, looking into your eyes.

"You can't do that, I know it makes you mad, but you can't go throwing punches at everyone." You chuckle. "Just next time, tell me what's going on before you really get yourself hurt, okay?"

"I promise." His lips turn upward a little. "I love- ow" He hissed, as you tightened the wrap around his hand.

"Sorry." You apologize. "Maybe you shouldn't go punch someone."

"It was worth it. He definitely won't mess with me or you, and I'm sure others won't either."

"What're you going to say to coach? If he finds out-"

"He watched me punch him, he's talking to the principle right now, I'm not getting in trouble, don't worry." He leans and kisses your forehead.

"How come everyone was at this fight?" You chuckle.

"It was down on the field."

""You're an idiot, Wakatoshi."

"I love you, too." He chuckles. "Are you still upset?"

"No... just please, next time tell me, I'd rather find out that way so I can help you sooner." You sigh, rubbing your thumb over his wrapped hand, indicating that you were finished.

"Ok, next time I will." He nods. "Thank you, I feel a lot better now."

"You're welcome. I need to go thank Tsutomu." You say and stand up.

"What for?"

"He was the one who told me." You smile, he clenched his jaw. "I love you!" You kissed his cheek, when you tried to walk away, his strong arms found themselves around you, you let out a small yelp from hitting his toned chest.

"Leave him alone, Wakatoshi. He didn't know he wasn't supposed to tell me." You chuckle. "Semi also didn't keep it a secret as well, he's the one who started this whole thing."

"I wasn't going to do anything to Goshiki." He says.

"Even if you talked to him, I think he'd start crying. You're pretty intimidating." You hands rested on his chest.

Instead of answering, he kneeled in slowly, his warm, plump lips moved slowly onto yours, as soon as he pulled away, you were craving more. He always knew this, ever since the beginning.

"I love you, thank you." A small tint of pink was going up his neck and onto his ears.

"One more." You breathlessly say. He chuckled against your lips, gladly going in for more.

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