Bad day | O. Tooru

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Warnings: Stressed!reader, hurt comfort?, slight time-skip spoilers⚠️

Today just felt so off, it all began when you stubbed your toe right when you woke up. It was already bad enough that Oikawa was off to practice.

The water was freezing cold when you showered and you had no idea why, then there was no clean towels for you.

You decided that today was just off to a rough start, it'll get better later on.

As you went downstairs to make breakfast for yourself before work, Oikawa had taken the last of the bread to make breakfast sandwiches.

You opted for some cereal and went on with your life.

Surprisingly nothing happened while you got ready for work, it was pretty normal.

"5 more minutes." You softly mutter to yourself as you looked at the time, you had to leave shortly.

After you deemed yourself good to go you left without a second thought.

Maybe it would actually get better, this morning was just unlucky.

Wrong. A sudden accident happened on the highway you had to take and now it would make you late.

You texted your boss in advance since you'd be there for a little while longer.

Traffic was moving agonizingly slow, too slow for your liking.

Your boss never answered.

There was an important meeting that you had to attend, but it had already passed by the time you arrived.

"The boss wants to see you." Your coworker says with a slight apologetic face.

You nodded and made your way to his office.

Long story short, you got yelled at for 45 minutes because you were late, even thought you told him you would be.

He kept on yelling about whatever you did wrong this time, you weren't listening. All you did was nod and leave his office once he finished.

Everything was going well until lunch, you had made plans with Oikawa to eat out so you didn't bring a lunch with you.

Hey sorry baby, I won't be able to make it for lunch, got caught up with some things at practice. Love you!

Great, now you didn't even get to see him until late at night.

At least you brought your wallet so you went to get some takeout and eat in your break room.

The rest of the day was tiring, tons and tons of things needed to be done and finished.

You wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed with your boyfriend. You unlocked the door, walking in with your shoulders slouching from the stressful day.

The first thing you did was take a nice long shower that was definitely needed.

It was a way to take in the whole day and reflect on yourself, whether you could've done better or think about what went wrong.

After that well needed shower, you actually started to feel better. You even began to tidy up the apartment a little bit.

Oikawa had let you know that he should be back soon, so you made dinner for him as well.

You were proud of yourself for what you made, it looked and smelled delicious.

He said he'd join you for dinner, so you watched some tv in the meantime.

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