Caring | A. Keiji

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Warnings: Reader and Akaashi are in college, cursing, mentions of crying/being stressed⚠️

When you left the apartment, Keiji was sitting at his desk working on an essay. You went to the grocery store to get a few things, it had been at least 2 hours and once you opened the door to his office, he was hunched over typing away.

"You've been at it for hours, love. Let's take a break." You softly say not to startle him.

He sighs, "This damn thing is due in a few hours, and it's not even halfway done."

You frowned. "I'm sure a few minute break won't hurt? It'll even be refreshing."

"As good as that sounds, I really wanna get at least halfway done before I take a break." He answers.

You knew he wasn't going to give up soon, so you let him continue working. After you put the groceries away, you grabbed a water bottle and a plate full of snacks.

You knew your boyfriend and when he got this engrossed in whatever he was doing, he often forgets to hydrate and eat.

"Thank you, darling." He looks at you momentarily, a small smile forming on his lips as he goes back to work.

In the meantime, you too did have work to do, but instead you did it in the living room.

You were so grateful that this week was a fairly easy one, it did get hectic at times, but it was more doable than last week.

Even remembering last week put a sour taste in your mouth, it wasn't one of your best.

Mountains of papers were due at unthinkable dates, many tears were stained on those as you turned them in.

Akaashi definitely helped you out and calmed you down, it's only fair you do the same, though he was much better at handling deadlines and knowing what needs to be done, unlike your procrastination.

You promised yourself you'd never put yourself through that again, and so far, you've been keeping that up. Even going as far as finishing work earlier than the due dates.

The laptop that was once in your lap is now put away in your bedroom.

Another hour has passed and Akaashi definitely needs a break now.

You softly knock on the door, "Keiji?" Revealing your boyfriend slumped over in his chair. "Whether you're halfway done or not, please get up and stretch at least."

"Almost there." He mumbles, typing frantically, so he'd finish up faster and not have to face off with your scolding.

"You said that an hour ago."

"I know, I know." He sighs. "Okay, there. I'm taking a break, don't yell at me."

"I wasn't going to yell." You chuckle. "How about we go on a walk? It's cooled down a bit."

"That sounds wonderful." He gets up from his chair, his knees cracking from sitting for too long.

"Perfect. I wasn't going to take 'no' as an answer." You smiled at him.

He chuckled lightly and walked up to you for a hug, he kissed your temple and muttered 'thank you's' for caring for him.

You didn't bother to grab a coat since the sun was still up, Akaashi waited for you to lock the door and took your hand in his.

The distant laughter from children could be heard, slowly getting louder the closer you walked to the park.

The two of you didn't see a need to talk, it was relaxing to walk in silence with no particular destination.

Your legs led you to a familiar trail that you each liked to walk together because it had the most beautiful views.

"See? Isn't this better than being cooped up in your office." You speak up.

He nodded his head. "Definitely. Though, when we get back, I have to finish it."

Before you could speak again and protest, he added in a few more words.

"I'll do it in the kitchen, 's better than being in the office."

You hummed, "That's better... how long will it take you to finish?"

"All I need to do is find a way to end it smoothly, it's almost done." He assures.

"That's good to hear. Then we'll have the weekend to relax." You sigh contently.

"I am very much looking forward to that." He agrees.

The trail ended and the view of the sun setting was beautiful, you made it at the best time.

The wind started to pick up a little, breezing through your hair and cooling you off.

After a few moments and pictures being taken, you decided to head back, so you could prepare dinner and Akaashi could finish his paper.

"Anything in specific you want for dinner?" You shout from the kitchen as Akaashi got his laptop from the office.

"I don't mind anything. I love your cooking." He smiles and takes a seat.

You nod and start to think of the many dishes to make for tonight. You kept it simple with some rice, vegetables, and meat.

"Progress check?" You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a chaste kiss on his forehead.

"'M getting there." He chuckles.

"The foods cooling down, let's take a small break and watch tv." You suggest.

"I promise I'm almost done, love, then we can cuddle after." He says.

"Keiji." You warn. "Remember what you told me last week?"

He sighs. "Yes, I do remember. But I really wanna finish this, so we can have the whole weekend to ourselves."

"Okay then. How much longer?" You say.

"No more than 20ish minutes?"

"That sounds more like a question than an answer, love." You chuckle.

"If I'm not done in 20 minutes, then you can steal me for the rest of the night, and I'll work on this in a bit."

You thought for a moment, he never broke his promises. Ever. So, you took his word for it.

"Okay." You nod. "20 minutes." With that, you quickly kiss his lips when he's off guard, leaving to the living room to sit.

A blush formed on his face at your action, driving him to work faster, so he could be with you.

You pulled out your phone and began occupying your attention to whatever video that was playing.

Not even 10 minutes go by when you feel Akaashi lay his head in your lap.

"You finished in less than 10 minutes?" You say surprised as you ran your fingers through his hair.

He shyly nodded.

"You must really love me, huh?" You tease.

"I wanted to spend more time with you." He admits.

"'M kidding, love." You kiss his cheek. "Dinners probably getting cold, let's go eat."

"A few more minutes." He mumbles against your thigh.

He looked so comfortable laying on you that he could've fallen asleep right then and there, but the thought of having to eat was keeping him up.

"Okay." You agree. "Only a few more because I'm hungry, and I'm sure you are too."

"I love you... So much." He pecks your thigh.

"I love you too, Keiji." You giggle as he exhaled a breath, and it tickles your leg.

As much as he wanted to stay there forever, the constant grumbling of his stomach took over, and you eventually had to force him up, so he'd eat dinner, though you promised him endless cuddles when you got back in bed.

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