Finally pt.2 | S. Daichi

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Warnings: Labor, time-skip⚠️

After you cleaned up the mess, you waddled over to Daichi to wake him up.

It was about 1 am, you had finally been able to fall asleep without trouble and now the boys were begging to come out.

"Daichi." You say, you didn't even need to shake him awake, he was up and alert the moment you said his name.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong?" He says sitting up.

"My water broke, we have to go." You rub your stomach.

"Are you sure?" He says.

"Yes, if we don't go now I'll deliver them here!" You say a little frustrated.

"Okay okay." He mumbles. "Let me get the bag, can you walk downstairs?" He asks.

"I think so." You say and waddle around the room to get out.

He quickly got the bag from the twins room and immediately went by your side to help you.

You leaned on him for support as you walked downstairs.

Contractions were hitting you, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle, you did grow a bit nervous for how you'd feel later on.

"Daichi, my shoes." You point to your feet, you hadn't been able to put your own shoes on for awhile unless they were slip-ons.

"Right." He nods and puts them on for you. You thanked him and he grabbed the keys. "Let's go." He gives a reassuring smile.

You did your breathing exercises to calm you down, but you were really nervous for labor.

The contractions were getting more and more bad as time went by, it was still bearable, but you weren't sure how you'd survive this.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Daichi squeezed your hand reassuringly.

"No." You breathed out. "Just drive please." You throw your head back to rest.

"Does it hurt?" He asks, turning to you for a second as he slows himself down to ease the turn onto the freeway.

"A bit, yeah." You inhaled.

"You're doing great, love, you're so strong." He compliments you and kisses the back of your hand that was intertwined with his.

As you arrived at the hospital, Daichi wrapped his arm around you to help you walk in, immediately asking for a wheelchair for you.

The nurses situated you in a room and checked up on you.

Everything was normal, perfect even. You just had to wait until you were dilated enough.

Daichi signed some paperwork stuff and calmed down a little bit, not much though. He was freaking out for you.

He didn't want to see his wife in pain, it hurts him.

By about 3 am is when you started to feel the big contractions.

You had never experienced this before, but you were shaking.

"Are you cold? I can get a blanket for you." Daichi looked up from his seat as he held onto your hand. He had not let go once since you left the house.

"Not really, I'm just shivering and shaking a lot." You reply.

"That's completely normal." A nurse comes in, she goes to check how dilated you are and asks about the pain.

You were five centimeters dilated and your contractions were really hitting you.

You also had been shaking a whole ton. You decided to get an epidural for the pain and to hopefully lessen the shakiness.

The epidural went smoothly, the pain was getting more bearable by the second and your shakes reduced a little as well.

Another two hours pass and the last a nurse checked, you were 7 centimeters dilated.

"You should get some rest." You rest your hand on his cheek.

He simply shook his head. "I can't sleep knowing we're about to see our babies." He kissed your hand.

Suddenly you felt the sudden urge to just push, you called a nurse in and she checked you again, although it had only been about 5 minutes.

"Looks like you're ready to start pushing, sweetie." A nurse smiles. She radio'd for a doctor and a team.

Immediately they came rushing in, startling you a bit.

As you started pushing, Daichi was allowing you to crush his hand as hard as you wanted.

He told you motivating things and thanked you for allowing him to become a father.

Overall, he was very sweet throughout the process, knowing just what to say to you.

The first baby was a success, he came out crying and was passed to the nurses to clean him up.

They allowed you to take a breather for a moment, but the next one wanted to come out now.

"I need to push." You say out loud.

The whole team looked at you, a bit of worry on their faces.

The doctor got in position and allowed you to push once more.

"You're doing amazing, thank you, sweetheart." Daichi sniffles.

Finally you hear another cry throughout the room and he was placed on you for a moment before being taken away to get cleaned up.

Daichi ran a shaky hand through your damp hair, praising you for doing so well.

"You did it. I'm so proud of you." Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked into yours.

"I love you, Daichi. Thank you for helping me through this."

The nurses brought a baby to each of you to hold at the same time.

Daichi let a few stray tears leave his eyes as he greeted his first son.

"Hi, little guy." He cooed, making sure to keep his voice low to not stir the baby awake.

You admired the work you had just done to get them out, switching with Daichi after a few minutes, greeting the other.

In the end, Daichi was extremely proud of you for birthing twins, he knows it's not easy.

He even felt the pain of your contractions since he did a simulator back in the beginning of your pregnancy, so he can only imagine how it must've felt for two.

After feeding the babies they were put in their little cribs and now you and Daichi could feel the tiredness fall over you.

Especially for you, just giving birth.

"You should rest, honey." He rubbed his thumb over your hand.

You could into hum in response from how tired you were. Quickly after closing your eyes you fell asleep, Daichi ended up texting yours and his family pictures of you four.

There was no words to explain how happy he felt at the moment.

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