Abandoned haunted hospital | N. Yuu, T. Ryu, H. Shoyo

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Warnings: Mentions of self harm, murder, mental illness, ghosts, cursing, blood⚠️

"Do you have everything?" Tanaka asks standing by the door.

"I think so.. I've got flashlights, gloves-"

"A bat?" Noya interrupted you.

"Why would we need a bat?" You questioned.

"To protect ourselves, duhh" Noya sassed you.

"You said it was abandoned though." Hinata says.

"Yeah, but still, there could be someone living there... or a ghost!" Noya poked Hinata to scare him.

You rolled your eyes playfully. "I doubt that."

"Still we should take it just in case." Tanaka agreed. You finally gave in and Tanaka put the bat in the trunk along with your other supplies. As you all got situated in the car, you all heard a familiar ding.

"Daichi texted." Hinata says holding up his phone. "He says to be careful and don't do anything stupid." He finished.

"Tell him we'll be fine." Noya grinned.

Hinata typed away at his phone and Tanaka started the car, thankfully his driving was way better than his sisters.

The sun began to set which you all deemed was the perfect time to go and explore this abandoned hospital, though none of you thought it could be haunted.

"So what's the backstory on this place?" You asked out of curiosity.

"It's a long story, but I'll sum it up for you." Tanaka chuckled. Everyone in the car listened attentively to Tanaka and why this place went out of business.

"From what I've heard, there was this crazy patient who was taken from the mental hospital and put into this hospital because she tried to commit and it didn't work. And when the doctors tried to attend her wounds-"

"Ooohh that was a nice word Tanaka." Noya beamed.

"Quiet Noya!" You hush him and nodded for Tanaka to continue.

"As I was saying, they tried to help her and she got ahold of some of the scalpels and began to stab the doctors, she killed them and ran away, but they caught her and now she's back in the mental hospital." Tanaka finished.

"So basically this place is haunted now." Hinata shivered and sunk into his seat.

"I mean... it could? I'm not sure, Yamamoto said nothing happened when he went, so I think we're good." Tanaka cleared up.

"But it'd be sick if it was haunted. That'd be so much fun!!" Noya bounced up in his seat.

"Plus we have the bat just in case, although I'm more scared of other people being there." You admit. It was silent after that since everyone had to look around and make sure the place isn't guarded.

You all saw the huge hospital come into view, the last bit of sunlight hitting the building making it seem more eerie.

Tanaka parked behind the hospital to avoid getting caught and Yamamoto said him and his team already left a way open since they visited there first the last time they were down here.

You all hopped out of the car and grabbed your supplies. You threw Hinata his gloves, and put on your own. The place looked dirty so none of you wanted to risk anything. You all had masks on as well, in case the air wasn't good.

"Ready?" Tanaka asked the group.




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