Notice | U. Wakatoshi

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Warnings: Time-skip spoilers⚠️

Ushijima likes a routine and he sticks to his pretty firmly. He wakes up everyday at 5 am during the week, takes a fifteen minute shower, eats breakfast and is out of the house by 6.

On weekends he cuts himself some slack to rest properly. He still wakes up at an ungodly hour— 6 am— goes for a run, takes a shower when he gets home, eat breakfast and goes about for his usual errands.

But lately he's found himself bending his regular routine just to see you before you go to work.

He's been leaving at 6:15 instead of his usual 6, even then, he still gets to the gym on time so he doesn't see it as a hinderance to his schedule.

He's got your schedule down like his own. You also prefer a routine on the weekdays, leaving every morning at 6:15, some breakfast item in your hand as you close the door behind you.

Wakatoshi hasn't been your neighbor for too long, he had just moved into the apartment complex awhile ago, you remember because he introduced himself almost immediately, he lives in the apartment next to yours.

He's fond of you because you seem to be very attentive to your surroundings, he's sure it helps you in your career path.

You picked up on his body language one morning, noticing his sick appearance and once he got home he was greeted with some homemade soup on his doorstep, surely from you.

You noticed when he bought his first plant, from then on out he's added a few more to his balcony, you never failed to pick up on the new edition to his little plant family.

You've learned he's playing for a volleyball team professionally, he's learned about your new internship that you had just picked up to get some experience in what you want to do, at the same time you're still taking a few classes for college.

So he knows you're busy, which is why he never takes his mornings for granted when he gets to have small talk with you occasionally.

"Good morning, Wakatoshi." You smile his way, locking your door and fishing for your keys in your bag.

He nods back, "Good morning."

"Homestretch." You yawn, the two of you approaching the elevator.


"Any plans for this upcoming weekend?" You hum, pressing the button for the elevator to close before anyone else could get on and possibly take his attention away from you.

His intrusive thoughts wanted to ask you out, but he's sure it's still way too early, he's not even at first base yet. "Nothing abnormal, just the usual. And you?"

"Probably study all weekend, midterms are coming up soon." You sigh.

The elevator door opened to the car garage, you sent a smile his way, bidding him a good day.

Once he got in his car, he waited for yours to exit, in the meantime, he set his volleyball bag down and looked at himself from his mirror. His hair was getting a bit long.

He wonders if you'd notice if he cut his hair, it's been awhile since his last haircut, never again is he going to a barber. He prefers to do it himself.

After practice he immediately went straight for the bathroom, not even unpacking his volleyball bag first, instead he grabbed his equipment from underneath the sink to begin his haircut.

He spent probably too much time on his hair. He's never done this before, so focused on his hair to make sure it's perfect. He wants you to notice and compliment him on it.

It's a start, he'll ask you out soon enough, he almost let it slip earlier, you're doing this to him. But he doesn't mind one bit.

Once he deemed himself perfect he took a shower. He's pretty impressed with himself, he's glad he knows how to cut his hair. He cut Tendou's before he left. He still thinks he's crazy for shaving it.

It was starting to get dark, but this is when you take your 30 minute break and read your book on your balcony, getting away from your stuffy apartment from being in it studying for hours.

His excuse is that he hasn't watered his plants yet, but deep down he knows that's not true. He just hopes you don't find out he altered his whole schedule to get a few glances on you, you're beautiful to him.

He shuts the balcony door behind him, glancing to his left, but he doesn't see you in your usual spot. 'Maybe you're just a few minutes late.' He thinks.

The sun has already set and still no sight of you, but your lights are on so you're definitely home. He thinks he's being a little creepy, staring into your apartment.

He reluctantly goes back inside and gets ready for bed.

The next morning he's up and ready, he thinks he's a bit excited because he got ready quickly with a few minutes to spare, so he waits, busying himself on his phone. Answering a few emails for sponsorships.

A frown immediately formed on his face, you're not out of your place yet, he thinks it'd be weird if he waited for you to get out, so he begins to head to the elevator.

He can't stall anymore or else he'll really be late, he also doesn't see your car in the garage. You must've left early today, bummer.

At practice nobody seemed to notice his haircut, they did however notice how he had a small frown on his face the entire day.

Kageyama even questioned him, asking if he needed to warm up a little more or take a quick break.

You get into your car and stretch your tight muscles. It's been a long day, you got up earlier than normal for your internship and got home later than normal.

You wondered if Wakatoshi noticed your absence, you hoped he did. You've taken a liking to him, you parked your car in the garage and saw his car already here.

He was walking a few feet in front of you, the two of you waited for the door to open, he noticed your presence, a small smile on his face.

"You're home later than usual." His deep voice breaks the silence.

You nod. "Internship." You simply say.

"What are you studying?" He pushes your shared floor and closes the door.

You tell him what you're planning to do and he listens attentively, he's impressed.

"I'm so glad it's the weekend, finally get to relax." You sigh contently.

He hums. "I've got weights tomorrow morning for volleyball."

"I'm not sure how you do it." You laugh quietly. The door opened and it was silent after that, he felt a weight bearing him down, you hadn't noticed yet.

As you open your door you call his name and he turns, "I like the haircut." You confidently say.

He's taken back, a smile forming on his face, a small tinge of pink dusting his face. "Thank you, Y/n."

He definitely didn't miss your embarrassed smile as you walked into your apartment, his heart beating a million times faster than it was before. He had to do something quick before he let you slip away.

Tomorrow, he'd buy you a plant and knock on your door, asking you out for lunch.

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