Sleep schedules | S. Daichi

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Warnings: Time-skip⚠️

Sundays were always nice, especially this one. Daichi's off work and finally back in regular schedule since the baby, it's a beautiful spring day, and your daughter slept in. It felt amazing to get caught up on some extra sleep, she's 3 months old now and although she's gotten a lot better at staying asleep, she'd wake up at ungodly hours sobbing still.

Your room has a nice breeze, it even made you a little chilly. The spot next to you on your shared bed with your husband was empty, you finally open your eyes to see your balcony door open, letting the fresh air in, it blew the curtains away then settled.

This was the first time in weeks you had been able to sleep in, your sleep schedule revolved around your daughter. After awhile of laying in and allowing the quiet house almost lull you back to sleep, you decided it was time to get up for the day. Your entire body cracked as you stretched. As soon as you heard the giggles of your daughter and your husbands laugh, a warm smile appeared on you.

You didn't bother to change yet, so you're still in Daichi's shirt and boxers. Way more comfortable than anything you own.

Daichi sensed your presence and met your eyes once he came into view, he stood at the end of the stairs, moving your daughter to the other side of his hip and bringing his arm out to pull you in. Your arms wrapped around his strong frame, and buried your face into his chest. He smelled good.

His lips pressed a long kiss on your forehead before he spoke. "Good morning, love. Sleep good?"

You nod into his chest, but you're sure he can't differentiate between your snuggling and the slight nod. "Mhm. Morning, thank you for letting me sleep in." Now your face is tilted upwards, he captures your lips with his, giving you a silent, 'no problem'.

"You deserved it, how'd you like your first week back at work?" He asks, holding your head as you enter the kitchen together. He hands off your daughter to you who's making grabby hands towards you.

You chuckle and gladly take her in your arms, giving her a big hug as you kiss her cheeks. "Oh, hi." You coo making her smile and hide herself in the crook of your neck. "Good. I'm really tired though, I have to get back into my sleep schedule."

Daichi laughs, "Our sleep schedules are messed up forever now."

"You're right, isn't he right, huh? You keep me awake." You tickled her neck, laughter emitting into every room. Daichi was in the middle of preparing breakfast so you set your daughter in her high chair, she protested a little but it's mostly from just waking up and being cranky, she gave in after you grabbed some of her cereal.

"What're you making?" You lean your head up and press a kiss on his cheek, immediately you hiss a little and hold your face. "Your beard poked me." You frown.

"Don't I look good?" He looks down at you.

"You always look good, but it hurts." You rub the pain away, he goes in to kiss you again, but you move your head. He'll win this game. After some dodging he finally gets a hold of your chin and quickly goes in to pepper kisses all over your face.

"Daichi!" You laugh, trying to get away from him, his arms held you in place. There's no escaping him. Your daughter giggles at the sight, not sure what's going on, but the two of you are laughing and having fun. "You win! Keep the beard!"

He finally lets go, both your chests are heaving up and down. "I've been needing to shave, either way." He flips the pancakes, "I didn't actually hurt you, did I?" He inspects too.

"No, Dai, I'm okay. I was mostly teasing." You hugged him.

"I had a dream where we were dating." Daichi completely changed the topic, he continued to make breakfast, while you snuck a few pieces here and there.

"Oh?" You now sat on the counter next to him. "Are we not married?" You rolled your eyes playfully, giving him a mocking tone.

He chuckled, but continued. "Do you remember when we ditched our 6th period because it was so boring and we had a sub?"

"Vaguely, yes. Why?" You answer, sort of remembering, but any time there was a sub you'd stay for attendance than you'd leave together, so there were many instances.

"In my dream, we were dating and then we ditched because we had a sub, and for some reason we went to Ukai's store." His eyebrows were now furrowed.

"Go on, I'm lost."

"We somehow didn't get caught by Ukai, but we did something and got caught by the police and got arrested, then I ended up missing practice and the entire team went to visit us, then I woke up."

"Interesting." You chuckle. "Maybe you should take advantage of the days you're off to get some extra sleep."

"Mhm, I plan to. Not today, it was your turn to sleep." He looked at you lovingly, earning himself a quick kiss before he plated the food and you grabbed the utensils.

"Thank you, it's really good." You hummed while eating, occasionally you'd take turns and alternate between feeding yourselves and your baby.

Even though your sleep schedules are messed up, you wouldn't take it back for anything.

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