Study night | K. Shinsuke

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Warnings: None:)

"Do 'ya want to come over after practice?
We could study." Kita suggested.

"Yeah sure." You agreed. This whole week Kita had been busy with volleyball, they were preparing for the upcoming nationals so he hasn't had much time to spend with you.

You weren't bothered by this, you knew how he wanted to play his best for the team, plus you too were busy doing your own things, the only time you'd spend together was at lunch and sometimes after school.

Practice was finishing up and soon a few of the boys on the team were making their way to the benches.

"You guys aren't tearing down the nets?" You questioned.

"Ah, the twins and a few others are staying behind to practice some more." He chugged from his water bottle, wiping the droplets that had called onto his face.

You nodded simply and waited for him outside the club room where he and his teammates changed. You distracted yourself by going on your phone, mindlessly scrolling through whatever social app you chose.

"Ready, love?" Kita says as he emerged from the door taking your free hand into his.

He never failed to put a huge smile on your face, butterflies flew through your stomach from his effect.

"Yes, I am." You smiled happily looking at him. You noticed a blush going up his neck and the tips of his ears red, making you even happier that you still had an effect on him.

"Do we have to just study." You started a conversation as the two of you walked to his house.

He raised an eyebrow, "Depends."

"We could watch a movie, or bake something."

He hummed, "We could bake something.. maybe cookies? Whatever 'ya want, love."

"I love you." You hugged his side, then returned to lace your hand with his.

Soon enough you got to his house and greeted his grandmother, then headed up to his room. The two of you took your books out and began to study terms for an upcoming test.

He made some neat flash cards and read them off to you, vice versa. An hour had passed and you became bored of studying, a sigh released from your mouth which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm bored already." You chuckled and closed your notebook, pushing aside the pencil that was once in your hand.

"Give me a few more minutes, I just need to finish this up." He says and leaves a chaste kiss on your forehead before returning to his work.

Sure enough roughly 5 minutes passed by and he put away his books into his backpack. "What would 'ya like to do?" He turned to you.

You hummed and pretended to think putting a finger on your chin, he chuckled from your cuteness. "Can we bake cookies?" You made up your mind.

"Sure, I think my grandmother is asleep now." He says and led the way to the kitchen.

You followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen, since you'd been over to his house plenty of times you practically knew where everything was.

He began to get out a few bowls, utensils, and measuring things. "What kind should we make?"

"I was thinking maybe a simple chocolate chip."

"Perfect." He smiled and got the chocolate chips out. He gave you the ingredients in order one by one so you could mix them in a bowl. When it got hard to mix he took over and finished it, while you got to sit back and admire him.

You both scooped the batter and put them onto the pan, then into the oven to bake for 15 minutes. In the meantime he cleaned the mess the two of you made.
It was quite messy due to the small flour fight you had.

While he did the dishes you stood behind him and wrapped your arms around him, humming a song that came into mind into his back.

Once he finished up he turned around and brought you to his chest, enjoying each other's presence from being distant due to some things.

"I love you." You say and look up, resting your chin on his chest, along with a genuine smile plastered on your face.

"I love you too." He went down for a passionate kiss, leaving the both of you breathless. The timer went off so you hurried to get the cookies out of the oven.

Letting them cool off on a large plate on the coffee table while you two cuddled on the couch watching his favorite movie. Night like these were always your favorite, being cuddled up on the couch after a stressful week.

Being in each other's presence, not many words being shared but being there was just enough affirmation of the love blooming between you two.

Haikyuu x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin