Understanding | T. Kei

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Warnings: Cursing, hurt-comfort, arguing⚠️

"I'm not asking for much here, Kei." You rub your temples, from the moment you came home, you and Kei had been arguing over something silly. You were exhausted from your long day.

"I am just as tired as you are, a few pieces of clothing on the floor isn't gonna kill you." He brushed you off.

"It wasn't just the clothes. Tadashi came over yesterday right?" You began, he nods his head for you to continue. "Well the takeout is still on the coffee table in the living room."

"I was going to clean it."

"Then why is it still there?" You throw your arms out in frustration.

"This is so stupid." He rolled his eyes. "You're nagging me like my mom."

"This is getting nowhere." You rubbed your eyes. "All I wanted to do was come home and have the house clean. You're not listening to me."

"I'm right here, aren't I?"

"Don't be an ass, Kei."

"So now I'm being an ass? You wanna tell me everything that's been bothering Ms. Perfect, or can I just relax without you bitchin' every fucking second." He mocks.

"You're a dick." You scoff and head upstairs, leaving Tsukishima in the kitchen.

Today was a hard day, you didn't sleep well and worked a long shift, all you wanted was a clean place to come back to so you didn't have to worry.

You approached him nicely and got attitude in return, he was always a bit snarky, but he was always polite with you.

You decided a long warm shower would relax you, trying your best to ignore the mean things he said.

Kei sighed and had a scowl on his face as he picked up the takeout from last night, he really had just forgotten about it when watching a game with Tadashi.

He too had a tiring day, he knows he should've changed his words, and cleaned up after himself. These were rare moments when he slacked off due to stress.

After he finished taking the trash out, he went upstairs and took a deep breath before entering your shared bedroom.

He exhaled when he didn't see you in bed, instead the shower was still running.

His body was ready to give out, quickly changing out of his work clothes and into some shorts, not bothering to wear a shirt.

There's nothing more he hates than sleeping before an argument is settled. He tried, he really tried to stay up, but the soothing sounds of the shower and the warm blankets over him sent him into a quick slumber.

You peeked out of the door before fully getting out. Noticing Kei was already asleep.

Even though you were upset, it still felt wrong to go to bed.

The guest bedroom was turned into an office and the couch was far too uncomfortable to sleep on. You'd have to make do with the situation and sleep normally.

You carefully got into bed, noticing Tsukishima shift a little in his sleep, the lamp on the nightstand was turned off.

Something wasn't sitting right with you, and it wasn't just because the two of you had gone to bed angry.

No matter what, you'd always say 'I love you', before bed. Even if you had just screamed your lungs out, this was no different.

There was no way you'd be able to sleep without saying it, he had already fallen asleep, so it wasn't like he'd hear you.

"I love you." You quietly say and turned away from him, you had grown comfortable with sleeping in his arms, so it would definitely take you a little longer to go to bed.

You hear the sheets shuffling and two arms wrapping around your waist. Immediately you tense up.

"I love you, too. Now sleep." He quietly says back.

"Kei." You begin.

"No. I'm sorry for earlier, we can talk more in the morning. Let's just sleep for now."

You sigh, "Okay." Agreeing with him, letting yourself relax into his arms, falling asleep in minutes, when just before that you were tossing and turning for what seemed like hours.

As you slowly woke up from your slumber, you felt colder than usual, as a reflex you reached over to the other side of the bed.

Kei wasn't there, his spot was still a little warm. You pulled yourself out of bed and made your way into the kitchen.

You could smell the bacon sizzling, and it smelled delicious.

There stood your tall boyfriend, making breakfast. He looked up and gave you a lopsided smile, instantly feeling regret wash over him.

"Hey." He clears his throat. "Um, I made you breakfast." He pushed a plate towards you.

"Thank you."

"About yesterday," He makes eye contact with you to make sure you were listening. He returns to flipping the bacon as he talked. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have been so rude."

You nod for him to continue.

"Yesterday was tiring and all I wanted to do was go to bed, so I snapped at you. I know it was wrong and it won't happen again, I'm sorry."

"I understand you were tired, but I was too. What you you said was rude." You say.

"I know." He agreed. "I'm sorry, really really sorry. You weren't nagging me and I didn't mean to say you were pestering me. You were tired and the least I could do was pick up after myself."

"I'm glad you understand." You hugged him, he instantly relaxed in your touch. "Don't let it happen again."

"It won't, I promise." He kisses your hairline. "I cleaned right after you went upstairs."

"I can see that." You chuckle, "Thank you." You went to wash your dish, but was stopped by Kei.

"Let me, it's your day off, I'm not letting you lift a finger today." He shooed you away.

You left your plate and utensils alone, "I love you."

"I love you, too." He breathed out and led you to the couch, "Wait for me, we can watch whatever you want."

You smiled and watched his figure disappear into the kitchen to clean.

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