A team | K. Shinsuke

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Warnings: timeskip, reader is pregnant⚠️

Sleeping was getting tougher and tougher every night. Your belly was growing rapidly, Shinsuke's grandma did warn you that he was not a small baby for his mother.

All he could do was apologize and do anything he could to make you more comfortable. He's been so helpful for your second pregnancy, even when he's exhausted from the fields, he never fails to ask if you need anything, then rubbing your feet or giving you a massage because he knows this far into being pregnant weighs down on you a lot.

Here you are, reminiscing on the days you could sleep, taking them for granted. You couldn't turn much to get into a more comfortable position because you'd have to sit up completely and turn your whole body, and it was loud and your husband had a long day of work, so you'd rather not wake him up.

You're getting bored now, and a little hungry, so you muster up all your strength and push yourself off the bed. You turn back to make sure your husband was still sleeping and left as quietly as you could.

The kitchen is the first place you go to once you waddled down the steps. You're looking for anything that seems appetizing at the moment. Tomorrow you'll let Shinsuke know that you need to go grocery shopping because you feel like there's nothing to eat.

A nice warm, freshly made pizza does seem to be calling your name. You wonder if they deliver this late. It's barely midnight, they have to deliver.

You closed your phone after ordering online and the wait time was 20 minutes, in the meantime you go to the couch to find a show or movie. You let Netflix choose some random movie for you, it was actually quite entertaining.

Unfortunately you still had no desire to sleep, but at least you didn't work for the next two days. Your phone buzzed when the pizza was delivered, you made sure to have the deliverer leave the pizza on the steps to avoid waking your husband.

On cue, once you turned around from closing the door and locking it, Shinsuke stood in front of you, rubbing his eye, looking handsome as always even if he just woke up and his hair is a little messy.

"What're you doing up, love?" His raspy voice came. He took a second to let his vision adjust, he sees you red handed with a box of pizza, now he gets it. "'Ya should've asked me to get the pizza. I don't like 'ya leaving this late."

"Don't worry, I delivered." You smile. "I'm having trouble sleeping and a warm pizza seemed appetizing, so..." You drift off, he seemed to get the gist. "You must be tired, love. It's been only 3 hours of sleep." You say.

You know he works in the morning, normally on days he didn't have to get up obnoxiously early, he'd join your suffering to make it better, but you know he's going to have it rough if he stays up with you.

"Don't worry about me." He chuckles. "My wife isn't sleeping and ordered a pizza, the least I can do is make it more bearable." He goes over to turn off the tv and helps you back up the stairs to the bedroom.

"Shin, it's okay. I can stay down there and I'm sure I'll get tired in a little." You try and convince him. "You work early. I don't want you to suffer all day."

"Nonsense. 'Yer not botherin' me, plus pizza sounds nice, does it not?" He knows just how to convince you, the pizza was really tempting in your hands.

"No, let's go to bed. I'm tired now." You lie, hoping to get him back in bed and then you could sneak away once he's asleep.

"We both know 'yer not tired, hon." He pecks your forehead as you reach the top of the steps. "Besides, 'm gonna call out tomorrow, I can have someone cover me."

"Are you sure? I really don't want you-"

"Love. Look at me." He says as you enter the room. You pout and meet his eyes. "'Yer not in this alone. We're a team, okay?" His hands rest warmly on your cheeks. "So don't ever think 'yer hindering me. I love 'ya."

"I love you too, Shin." Your eyes tear up and he's quick to move the box onto the bed and embrace you. "So you're off tomorrow?" You need to make sure he's not just bluffing to make you feel less bad about the situation.

"100 percent, love. Now, what movie were 'ya watching' before I woke up?" He guides you gently on the bed, moving the box into your lap and grabbing the remote.

"Just something random, we can watch something else, I forgot what it was called." You take a warm slice out and bite into it, you immediately sigh in relief. Shinsuke laughs gently at the sight, he's never seen someone so happy to eat pizza, he loves this.

"'Yer beautiful." His eyes admire you, never failing to make you feel so loved and wanted. You offer him a bite, he eyes you cautiously to make sure you're okay with it because last time he took a bite of your food you began to cry and he does not want to make the same mistake again.

After deeming it alright, he takes a small bite, murmuring how it's delicious while turning his attention back to the tv to pick someone interesting. As you watch the drama filled show, his hand rests on top of your belly, rubbing small circles occasionally.

A few times you'll feel a kick and he kisses you each time, knowing it can hurt, then he scolds the unborn child for causing you so much trouble, but it makes him happy because he swears the baby can sense his touch. You assure him that it's true because his face is so adorable each time. Plus you're starting to believe it now yourself.

After two more slices you find yourself bored of the food, offering some to your husband who kindly takes a slice and sets the box on the bedside table, he holds you close to him.

"Are 'ya comfy? I can get another blanket if 'yer cold, or I can turn up the ac if you're hot." He asks.

You softly shake your head. "I'm good, Shin, thank you. You're helping so much."

He presses his lips to your hairline, leaving a lingering kiss. "Okay. Let me know, even if it's small, I'll do it." He reminds.

You hum, starting to feel your eyes grow heavy with each passing second, Shinsuke took notice immediately and changed up your positioning so you could sleep comfortably, he continued to leave the tv until you were asleep.

You're on your side, facing your husband, you could smell the faint remains of his soap from his shower before bed, it was calming, so calming that once he had your face near his chest, you fell asleep immediately.

Shin moved himself into a more comfy position to hold you, and he shut off the tv.

"Be good to mama, she's strong, but 'yer a little troublemaker." He whispers softly. "I can't wait to meet 'ya, take it easy." He lets his hand linger longer on your stomach before moving it to the small of your back.

He cannot wait to tell everything to his son once he's born, from the moment you told him about the pregnancy to the late nights spent munching on food and watching movies.

You're a team, not alone. You're going to do this together and hopefully more times in the near future.

He too soon falls asleep and will enjoy sleeping in with you. You both definitely need the sleep.

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