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Amelie had searched for about twenty minutes when she realized it was hopeless. There was no way to find a fucking tiny bracelet in the pitch black, especially when Encanto's mountains stretched for miles and she had no idea where Marely had dropped the goddamn thing. 

She heard a loud crack from the bushes, causing her to look up. Avon emerged from the darkness, glowing green orbs in her hands to create a source of light. 

"Avon?" Amelie frowned with confusion. "What are you doing here?" 

"I could ask you the same question," Avon said quietly. "listen, I'm not here to fight, but I need to know the truth. Are you and Camilo together?" 

Amelie did a double-take. "What? God no," She shook her head quickly. "No. Definitely not." She became even more confused. "But I already told you that I'm not interested in Camilo. Did something happen?" 

Something wasn't adding up. "But Marley said—she said that you and Camilo were together." 

"There's no need to preserve her feelings, Amelie," Marely said, stepping out from the dark. 

"What the fu—" 

"Tell her what you told me," Marley lied, staring straight at her daughter. "Tell her how Camilo came to you and told you it was you that he was truly in love with." 

Avon's eyes narrowed and she turned her gaze on Amelie, who gulped and backed up. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, I swear," Amelie said, taking a few steps towards the mountains. Avon's hands glowed brighter, which prompted Marley to keep talking. 

"She's being so very modest as to not hurt your feelings, Avon," Marley said, her voice dangerously soft. "It's nice of you to do that, Amelie, but you don't need to pretend about anything. Avon deserves to know the truth about you and the Madrigal  boy." 

"I don't like Camilo," Amelie said. "I really, really don't," her back hit the side of the mountain. "I told you, Avon, I don't like him that way." 

Avon wasn't sure what to think. "You—but all those things you said about him," She inhaled deeply. "how you wanted to marry into the Madrigal family, just like your third cousin." 

"That's because she told me to say that!" Amelie pointed at Marley. "She wanted me to say all that stuff—I never wanted to." 

"Climbing into Camilo's bed with him?" 


"Trying to get me closer to Jamal?" 

"I didn't—" 

"Don't lie to me, Ame-liar," Avon huffed. "It's obvious that you were interested in Camilo, the second you arrived in Encanto. And that lie about liking Mirabel was just to distract me." 

"Avon, please," Amelie said, covering her face as the light got brighter. "She's got in your head. She wants the gold, and she's trying to manipulate you." It was the first time she'd ever said anything against her mother and she sort of liked telling the truth for once. 

"Don't listen to her, Avon," Marley said loudly as the wind started to pick up. "She's in love with Camilo; she always has been!" 

Avon felt her powers starting to get out of control again. She remembered what happened last time; the death of her mother; the destruction of Casita. Avon's breathing increased and she tried to stop the swirling light around her—surrounding her like a dark halo. But that's the thing with fireworks—you can't contain them. 

"AVON!" Camilo's voice broke through the storm. "DON'T LISTEN TO MARLEY—SHE'S LYING! I'M NOT WITH AMELIE!" 

"He's pretending," Marley shouted, her voice high-pitched. "They all are!" 

Avon felt the storm growing stronger, the green light getting brighter and brighter still. 


Somewhere in the chaos of her brain, Avon heard the cheesy words come out of Camilo's mouth, and considered teasing him about it later—if she could just calm down. 

"Marley Jexton," Alma's voice also cut sharply through the wind. "I had my doubts, but I never thought..."


It seemed like all of the Madrigals were there to see Avon nearly destroy the mountains. 

"I didn't have a part in any of this," Parker said feebly, raising a hand from the back of the crowd. 

Avon closed her eyes, getting a sudden feeling of someone's hands in hers. 

She opened them, looking straight at Camilo. 

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, mi vida," He said quietly. "I know you wouldn't cheat on me.." 

Avon blinked as the storm died down slightly. 

"I'm sorry I believed Marley," Avon shook her head. She turned to look at Amelie, who was still standing near the cliff wall. "I should've listened to you too." 

"No!" Marley yelled. "The gold!" 

Avon glared at Marley, sending her flying onto the ground with the tilt of her head. 

"Throw her again!" Antonio cheered. 


Nearing the end of Act 2 Three's A Crowd !! I hope you're enjoying the story!!

we don't talk about us// Camilo Madrigal x ocOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora