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"That was a fast recovery," Alma commented as the two made their way downstairs. "It looks like you were never even sick."

Camilo and Avon exchanged glances.

Pepa raised her eyebrows, looking up from the book she was reading. "You were sick, tonito? Are you okay?" She stood up quickly, checking him over. "Your hair looks nice, though."

"Thanks, Mama," Camilo wrinkled his nose. "I look like Dolores." he tugged at the back of his ponytail, giving Avon a look.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," Dolores said from the other room.

"It wasn't."

Pepa eyed Camilo. "Be nice to your sister."

Just then, Antonio walked into the room on his jaguar. He stopped to get a bag of chips from the cupboard, then left again.

"This is a normal family," Felix said from behind the counter. He sighed. "I'm going to go find Isabella–the flowers for Dolores's wedding need to be made."

"Oh, so when is the happy day?" Camilo asked, leaning against the table. "And will there be leftover snacks?"

"You and your appetite," Avon rolled her eyes.

"Jokes on you, I'm actually not hungry right now," Camilo said snidely, putting his feet on the table. Pepa pushed them off, shaking her head reproachfully.

"The wedding is next week," Alma said curtly, straightening her bun out. "And there is still much to do." She turned to Avon. "Yesterday, I had the dress delivered for you to your room....I think Mirabel has it now" 

Avon gulped. "A dress?"

Camilo wiggled his eyebrows. "Oooh, Avon's wearing a dress." 

"It's a wedding," Pepa said dryly. She rubbed her hand against her temple, looking stressed out. "There's still so much we have to prepare!" Pepa stood up, muttering to herself about hurricaines. 

"Let's hope there isn't a hurricane," Dolores whispered as she entered the room. She tapped her foot anxiously as Alma droned on about food preparations. 

Camilo and Avon exchanged glances. 

"Avon, why don't you go try on  your dress?" Alma suggested, as Dolores sat down at the table. "And Camilo, seeing as you're feeling better, you should get back to your chores." 

"--my powers aren't working," Camilo said quickly. He blurted the words out, staring down at his hands afterwards. 

"What?" Alma's eyebrows shot up her forehead. "What do you mean, your powers aren't working? They were fine yesterday, and we have the candle back." 

Camilo shrugged, his eyes still downcast. 

Avon wanted to interject that Camilo had been working way too hard these past few days, but she didn't want to get in the middle of the conflict. 

"Just because you'd rather be with Avon today, does not mean you get to make up excuses about your powers," Alma said sternly. She shook  her head. "I'm disappointed in you, Camilo. Go out and finish your chores. I'm not going to ask again." Alma turned to Avon. "Avon, please go and find Mirabel." 

Camilo's face fell, and he stood up, leaving the room without another word. 

Dolores looked like she wanted to say something, but she was way too stressed about her own wedding to help with her brother's problems. 

And Avon didn't want to get kicked out of the house, so she left the room to find Mirabel. 

we don't talk about us// Camilo Madrigal x ocWhere stories live. Discover now