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Camilo had a slight problem when it came to Avon hanging out with other guys. Even if it was just his uncle, he got jealous. And...he had a specific method when it came to testing whether or not Avon was actually into them. Well, he'd never actually used it before, but when it seemed like Jamal and Avon were hitting it off a bit too nicely, he had to step in. 

"I'm going to go see if Alma needs anymore help with the flowers," Jamal said, flashing his usual grin at Avon. It was friendly enough, in Camilo's interpretation. But was it too friendly? Camilo knew he was overthinking it; Avon would never ever cheat on him. Not even if Timothee Chalamet moved to Encanto. But..Jamal was older, more mature...what if she liked him better? 

He was consciously aware of Amelie blabbing on in his ear about Jamal being obsessed with her, but he was too distracted to listen. 

Camilo didn't even look up to acknowledge Amelie until Dolores cleared her throat. 

"—Camilo, did you even hear me?" Dolores shot an annoyed look at Amelie who was talking her ear off about Harry Potter conspiracies. "I asked you if you think it would be better to have Pistachio cake or do something more classic?" 

"No one likes pistachio," Camilo muttered distractedly. 

"It's Mariano's favourite," Dolores huffed. "and everything has to go perfectly, or Mama will cause a hurricaine, Abuela will have a freak-out panic attack, and Bruno will have another terrible vision." 

"He already had one of those," Camilo pointed out, unhelpfully. 

"Oooh, what was his latest vision?" Amelie asked, finally closing her mouth to listen for the response. 

"Something about the mountains around Encanto collapsing," Dolores said, flipping through the book of cakes. "Anyways, CAMILO STOP STARING AROUND FOR AVON AND HELP ME," Dolores took a deep breath; she never raised her voice because it always made her ears ring. "You know what? I'm extremely tired and I don't need this stress in my life right now." 

"Good for you, Lori," Amelie said, constantly using nicknames for everyone. "I think Camilo and I can handle the rest of this if you want to go lay down." 

"I have to pick the cake for my wedding," Dolores said with a huff. "But, I'm going to go rest, so you two just find something else to do until I get back." 

"I'm sure we can think of a few things that need to get done," Amelie said with a snide grin. 

"Please don't leave me alone with her," Camilo mouthed frantically to his sister, who just rolled her eyes and walked away. Camilo slowly turned back to Amelie. 

"—Anyways, as I was saying...so I feel like maybe I should just sleep in your room again tonight because the airway in there is really so much better for my throat—I have asthma—and also my neck problem has been a really big problem, and—" 

"Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies—" Camilo muttered under his breath, trying to refrain from telling Amelie to shut the hell up because no one cares about her fake neck problems. 

Just then, Marley came around the corner with a sweetly fake expression of kindness on her face. "Amelie, darling, can I have a quick word with you?" She smiled at the Madrigal boy. "Just give us a minute." 

"Oh thank god—I mean, sure." Camilo quickly walked away before anyone could say anything else. 

He spotted Avon waiting outside near the back of Casita. Exactly the place where he'd kissed her for the first time. Well, the first time that he remembered at least...

Which gave him an idea. There was one way to test if she was actually into Jamal. 

Avon wasn't really paying attention to anything around her; she was absentmindedly hovering in the hair up and down, green light under her feet. 

Camilo was for once glad that his powers had come back. He shifted into Jamal, half-hating himself for what he was about to do. 

"Oh, hi Jamal," Avon said, looking up. She got a slightly suspicious look on her face, slowly noticing that her wrists were lighting up. Avon hid an eye-roll, knowing Camilo too well to be fooled. But she decided to play along. "Did...uh, did Alma have anything for you to do with the flowers?" 

"What? Oh, yeah, no, she was finished," Camilo/Jamal responded, walking closer. He stopped when they were about a foot apart. 

Avon sighed quietly to herself, nearly laughing at the fact that Camilo would resort to this madness. 

She was entirely surprised when he pushed her gently against the fence, pinning her there with a smirk. 

"What the fuck, Jamal?" Avon asked, still playing along. 

"What are you going to do about it?" Camilo/Jamal asked with a sly grin. 

Avon sighed, pulling him in by the shoulders and lowering her voice. "You don't seriously think I believe that you're Jamal, right?" She kissed Camilo, leaving him dumb-founded. "Don't be stupid, Madrigal." 

we don't talk about us// Camilo Madrigal x ocWhere stories live. Discover now