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Avon noticed her arms glowing immediately. Mirabel didn't even look up, just acknowledging that this was a normal occurrence. 

"He's over there," Mirabel said suddenly, pointing at Camilo's familiar outline. "And he's with someone..." She trailed off, frowning. "A random blonde girl." 

"Interesting," Avon didn't seem particularly bothered by the fact that Camilo was hanging out with another girl. Well, she was slightly curious, but jealously wasn't the first thing on her mind. That was, until she saw the blonde girl place her hand on Camilo's arm. She seemed to be telling him something extremely interesting. 

"Who the fuck is that?" Mirabel voiced Avon's exact thoughts. "And why is she rubbing Camilo's arm like she's petting him?" 

Avon shrugged. "Why don't we go and find out?" 

"There better be a good explanation," Mirabel muttered darkly. 

"Calm down, Mira—I'm sure he's just helping her with something" Avon said, though doubts were flooding through her mind. Stop it, she told them silently. You're being paranoid, she added. Of course, her brain didn't respond. 

"Oh, hi!" The girl said, turning around when Avon and Mirabel approached. "You must be Camilo's sister and cousin!" 

"No..." Avon trailed off, looking confused. Camilo shot her a 'help' look. 

"Nope," He said, hooking an arm around Avon's waist and pulling her beside him. "This is Avon." 

Mirabel waved her arms. "And I'm Mirabel, thanks for the introduction, Cami." 

"Aww..it's so cute that you have a nickname for him," Amelie said unnecessarily. "It's like how Camilo called me 'mi vida' earlier, even though I have no idea what that means." 

Avon smiled sweetly at Amelie, turning to Camilo with a death glare. "That's nice, Madrigal." 

Camilo gulped, recognizing the renewed usage of his last name. "I didn't—" He said, frowning. "I was talking about terms of endearment." 

"And why were you talking about terms of endearment?" Mirabel asked, again taking the words right out of Avon's head. 

"We were discussing donkey hair, which brought us onto the topic of Luisa, and how I heard her call one of them 'carina' this one time," Camilo said, sighing. "Don't even ask." 

"Uh—who are you again?" Avon asked. 

"Amelie Rosana-May Leto Jexton-Guzman," Amelie said promptly. "My middle-middle name is Leto— after Apollo and Artemis's mother. That's Greek mythology if you didn't know." 

Mirabel and Avon exchanged glances and Avon held back laughter. 

"Thanks for that lovely piece of information," Avon said sarcastically. "I guess you're here for the wedding then. Are you like—Mariano's cousin or something?" 

"Third," Amelie said. 

"Well, it's um nice to meet you Emily," Mirabel tried. 

"It's Amelie. Pronounced with an accent over the A sound." She smiled. "My mom's second uncle's dad came from France, which is why my name has a slightly french ring to it." Amelie turned to Avon. "it's so cool that you and Camilo are together even though your city attacked his. And your dad killed his Abuelo." 

Avon held back a retort. "Oh yeah, we go way back." She tapped her feet together. "Mariano is so lucky to have a cousin who knows all of the Madrigal history." 

"Third cousin." 

Avon sucked in a breath. "Right. Third. Maybe if you know so much about accents and stuff you can teach him how to say 'avocado' without sounding like he's trying to seduce everyone." 

Camilo snorted. "He does do that, doesn't he?" 

Amelie paid no attention to this. "What was your name again?" She looked at Mirabel, who was trying to hold back laughter. 


"Oh...Mirabel," Amelie rolled every one of her r's, nearly letting her tongue slip out of her mouth. "Abuela—" She smiled. "Your Abuela—she said I could call her that—told me you have no gift? Is that true?" 

"Mira's plenty special enough without magic," Avon said loudly. 

Mirabel shot her a grateful look. 

Camilo nodded in agreement. "Really, it's thanks to Mirabel that this family isn't broken." 

Amelie's eyes squinted when she smiled again. "That's so lovely." 


"How about we go back to Casa Madrigal?" Camilo suggested after three more minutes of awkward silence. "um...the food's probably almost ready." 

"Yeah, and I have to congratulate Mariano again," Amelie said. "It's been so long since I've seen him!" She sighed. "My family's hoping that I'll also marry into the Madrigal family." 

Avon's eyes widened with shock. "Bitch what?" She muttered under her breath, and only Camilo heard her. 

"What was that?" Amelie asked sweetly. 

"I just said—good luck," Avon said, hoping her tone didn't sound too sarcastic. 

"Well, thanks!" Amelie said, delighted. 

we don't talk about us// Camilo Madrigal x ocWhere stories live. Discover now