Go Big or Go Home (smut)

Start from the beginning

"How was your night out, Guk?" Taehyung takes a gentle approach, giving Jeongguk the opportunity to tell him what's wrong without prying into his personal life. Taehyung knows these 'night-outs' can result in a multitude of things; sometimes a stranger leaving the next morning or Jeongguk showing up with a brand new bucket hat to add to his ever-growing collection. Taehyung doesn't ask for specifics, but like a good friend he asks how his night was. The same way he'd ask how he's feeling after a party he hit too hard. Jeongguk, though, doesn't respond like he always does, which is an appropriate response outlining the events of his rendezvous while not exactly filling in the entire thing. Just giving Taehyung an idea of its shape. Tonight, though, Jeongguk just shrugs and brushes past him.

Taehyung's mind whirls. Does he go after him? Does he let him sort it out himself? Is he suffocating him? Is he blowing things out of proportion?

Jeongguk sits down on the sofa and stares at the electric fireplace before him. The artificial flames flicker back and forth. Taehyung wishes it were a real fireplace so that he could smell the smoke of the blaze, the musk of the wood, and the richness of the charred embers.

He feels a bit like a creep eyeing Jeongguk the way he is as he sits down in his unofficial assigned seat: the right cushion, concaved under the permanent ghost of Taehyung's weight. The left half of the loveseat is flat but it belongs to Jeongguk and Taehyung respects that. Most of the time. Sometimes he can't help kicking his feet up and leaning against the armrest. Sue him. Comfort makes the hole blink wide open.

"It's cold," Jeongguk blurts. But the fire is on and it's seventy-five degrees inside. Jeongguk's body temperature runs higher than normal; Taehyung knows this. Taehyung also knows Jeongguk's voice is missing it's signature fruity inflection. His body is rigid and ramrod straight, like he's waiting for something. Something that eludes Taehyung. Instead of asking him why he's suddenly and out-of-characterly cold, Taehyung grabs a blanket and drapes it over his shoulders. His shoulders which are tilted in, like he's trying to curl into himself without making it obvious. Taehyung frowns, unable to tear his eyes off Jeongguk's frozen profile.

"Look at me?" Taehyung asks. Jeongguk cranes his head. His eyes are glassy and gummy. He's been drinking, but he's not drunk. His water lines are extra puffy and pink, as if he's been crying. Taehyung's never seen Jeongguk cry before. (Not that either of them are above it.) There's not a strand of hair atop his head in its proper place. Taehyung's worry multiplies. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

At that, Jeongguk's eyebrows furrow and he reverts back to staring at the faux flames licking against the screen of the fireplace.

"I… I've been trying to figure that out, too."

Taehyung blinks and readjusts himself. Jeongguk doesn't know what's wrong? That's a development. Or whatever the opposite of that is. He's always so sure of himself. It only concerns Taehyung more to find out he's just as lost.

"Can you explain it to me? How you're feeling?"

"Talking doesn't feel right."

Taehyung desperately tries to help somehow. He wants to show Jeongguk that he can be a good hyung for him. Not to make himself feel better but so Jeongguk has someone he can lean into when he needs it. So far, Taehyung's doing a pretty shit job. Jeongguk is still shivering, and if Taehyung listens closely, he can hear his teeth chattering. It breaks Taehyung's heart watching his fingers tug the blanket closer to his body.

"Tell me what you want then, and I'll make sure you have it. Anything." Jeongguk's eyes turn glassy and his jaw slackens and Taehyung realizes he's fucked up. Jeongguk's drawing into himself even more. "I can start a warm bath, cook you up something to eat, play with your hair, massage your—"

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