Undercover Baby : Part Two

Start from the beginning

"In about twelve weeks or so. You can join me if you'd like, then you can see the baby with me."

"I can't wait! This is awesome!"


The weeks went by and Olivia was really adjusting to life back in Manhattan. She was back to working on adopting Calvin, while also trying to figure out how she would take care of two kids in the future.

"Alright, I will be back in a few hours." Olivia spoke, as she put her gun in her desk before locking the drawer.

"Where are you going?" Elliot asked, as he leaned back in his chair and looked his partner over. He had accepted the fact that Olivia was pregnant and had slept with Dean Porter, and at this point, he was excited to be an uncle again. He already loved Calvin, and another Benson baby would be just as amazing.

"I'm twenty weeks today, so I'm going to get my son from school and head to my appointment. We are going to do the anatomy scan and hopefully find out what the baby is." Olivia smiled.

"You are already at that point?! I didn't even realize!" Elliot exclaimed.

"You couldn't tell? I'm huge already." Olivia chuckled. She gently touched her stomach before sighing when Elliot's phone rang.

"Go before we catch a case... and make sure you bring a copy of the sonogram back. I'd like to see what the new baby is."

Olivia walked out of the squadroom quickly, before heading to the elevator. She had about half an hour before her appointment, so she was hoping that traffic wouldn't be backed up so she didn't miss this appointment. 

When the elevator dinged and the door opened, Olivia stepped to the side before freezing in her spot.

"Olivia." Dean spoke as he stepped out. He looked her over for a few moments before stopping when he saw her stomach.

"Hey, Porter... uh, what are you doing here?" Olivia whispered, as she tried her hardest to not lose her cool.

"I need to talk to Cragen. Maybe we can talk when I'm done?" He asked, as they swapped spots so Olivia was closer to the elevator.

"I guess that really depends on what you want to talk about... I gotta go." Olivia spoke, before she quickly stepped back into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby.


Olivia didn't tell Calvin about Dean. He didn't need to know that the baby's father was back in town, especially because she was sure he'd be terrified that Dean would want to steal the baby from them.

"You must be the big brother." The tech smiled as she sat beside Olivia and turned on the machine beside her.

"Yup!" Calvin smiled as he held Olivia's hand.

"Now, do you want a brother or sister?" She questioned, as Olivia laid back before rolling her blouse up.

"I'd kinda like a sister. Then Mom has one of each." Calvin grinned.

"What about you, Olivia?"

"As long as the baby and I come out of this healthy, I really don't care." Olivia breathed. She had a lot on her mind because of Dean, and couldn't really focus on her appointment.

Olivia wasn't even listening to the baby's heartbeat or watching the screen at all. It wasn't until Calvin started to cheer, did Olivia finally lost her train of thought.

"Olivia?" The tech asked, and Olivia blinked a few times before nodding.

 "Sorry, what's happening?" Olivia asked nervously.

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