
Start from the beginning

"He normally isn't that expressive..."

Such rare sight she ended up finding.

Unable to contain her curiosity, she took gentle steps forward and quietly made her way to stand behind him.

But as she did, more questions rose. How unnoticed she was. He isn't normally this oblivious.

Thus she crossed her arms, waiting for him to realize her. But being the impatient girl she is, she just had to call him out.



Not even a high intonation she used, speaking in a regular tone yet it startled him silly.

"H-Huh?" Thus he turned around, revealing an elusive alarmed expression across his face.

But as he panicked, their gaze automatically met.

All of a sudden, he was viewing a girl he's extremely familiar with. Looking down at her shorter stature, his widen eyes met her neutral ones.

"Oh, it just you..." Somewhat calming down, he muttered a sentence before slowly turning away.

Thus he continued on cleaning.

The raven haired girl just tilted her head at the sight. Now that she's closer to him, his somewhat angered face was far more identified.

Furrowing her brows, she didn't hesitate to ask.

"I'm going to inform Kaoru-chan about this!"

But then an overheard sound of Miyako's voice interrupted her attempt. And so instinctively, she glanced at the half open door behind.

"Your sister's looking for you"

But later on having her annoyed looking servant utter those words, she just had to ignore her sister's call.

"Better not keep her waiting"

His suggestion that had her more focused on him, if anything. She stared as he apparently refused to even just look at her.

Such unusual behavior, a frown surfaced upon her face.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

And so with such a question, she halted his activities as he quickly looked at her direction.

"That was a suggestion, I wasn't telling you what to-"

"Keita, why are you angry?"

Indeed he wished to clarify his previous intentions, but it seems she called him out purpose.

Having him finally look her way, she cut him off with a quick question.

It silenced him for a few seconds.

"Tell me. That's an order"

Thus they shortly exchanged stares.

Not long after, a sigh of defeat escaped the dark haired servant's lips.

It seems like there is no way around it.

He had to tell the embarrassing truth.

"I fell on my face this morning"




An awful long duration of silence occurred. Along with an awkward staring battle.

After seconds of processing his response, Kaoru's neutral expression shifted into an unamused one, implying her distrust.

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