I'm not gonna give up

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POV Narrator:

Back at Harriet and Freya's residence, where Laura was waking up after the harrowing nightmare she had at the thought that all that trying to get her family back was for naught. Laura finally woke up, and in the afternoon of that same day that she was having a visit from Paul Hanbridge and his son, McLaren eventually woke up, she was having a nightmare that lasted exactly 24 hours, which were full of messages to her. Some were for McLaren to resign herself to never seeing her daughter, others for her not to give up, always alternating between the two sides, after all she lost the big chance, she wouldn't have the great help of an instant cure, having to do everything by herself, but it still wasn't the end of the world for the Irish girl, after all there were books telling about the curse and how to cure it, books that were from the Luna era, which was almost 20 thousand years ago, but they were still plenty of information to find some content related to bringing the cure so that the couple could see each other again, even more so that they could finally get back together if the research is right, but the time it would take was something undetermined, since they were books enough to take more than 100 years reading, because it was a lot, they were much deeper studies of that curse, being told precisely in the Luna era, which had everything, including forbidden and cruel studies taken from books there, some were also made by the witch Luna herself. McLaren soon wakes up and looks around at where she was and is weirded out by not being at home and never having seen that place before, by suddenly waking up lying in bed.

POV Laura:

What a strange place, but I have the impression that I have been here... I hope I'm not waking up from a nightmare again, it's not enough how distressing the last ones were... I just know that seeing the message from Madeleine and Kara telling me not to give up has motivated me, but I'm still a little confused... Why am I awake here? Don't give up on what? Has something happened to me? Ah... Now I remember... Shit... That's what happened before I fell asleep from frustration... I don't know why I fell asleep. So now it makes sense, Harriet and Freya didn't get Lilith's intervention... Damn... And remembering this makes me even worse, just when I thought I was hoping I would see my wife and daughter, I arrive and have to face this one, but it's okay, I understand, they are not to blame, neither is Lilith... I'm just a mortal who was playing the dependent one... I'm the one with the whole pose and reputation of being the witch... Which I hate with all my heart... Because I'm not some immortal goddess immaculate fuck... I'm just Laura McLaren... A mother... a wife... I just want to be able to see my wife and my daughter... No matter how much money I make racing brooms... Fuck the quadruple double crown, none of this pays the price of being next to Bern and Diana, nothing in this world is more important than them, achievements like this are of no importance to me... I kept looking at the surroundings and soon the two witches appeared to me, they came into the room and were very worried, then they sat down beside me on the bed and I was even calmer.

- What's up Laura? You were unconscious for a whole day, we are already up to the 7th, it's been 24 hours of sleep... We were worried about you so we left you here. Really sorry we couldn't - Harriet said with a worried expression.

- We have tried to do all we can, but don't lose hope Laura McLaren, know that with our help and the help of a witch we know... In fact, Luna and Lilith told us that you could go to this witch's hut, where you could seek a cure for the curse of the metal spheres, remember when years ago you went to Loch Ness? Then... That witch will help you with this... The books were transported there... Combine this with her knowledge of half a century and you can make a great partnership trying to find a cure for this curse - said Freya comforting me... Farnese... I remember her... The witch who knows a lot about potions... It will be a good thing, it may take a while, but I will try.

I just smile at them without answering anything, letting them know that I just agreed that I was fine, with that the two get up smiling back, I see them leaving the room, they said they were going to bring some food here, I use this time to get my cell phone that they left on the table next to the bed, with that I check message by message, looking very attentively... Messages from practically everybody... "Where are you Laura? Answer me girl, you were supposed to come home yesterday? At least let me know you are sleeping outside... Sorry, little sister... I'm just worried," Chelsea as always the attentive girl of always... I answer her with all the affection possible "I'm at some witches house here, soon I'll be back home, it's too bad I didn't tell you", besides that I see a lot of Bern "Laura?", "Love?", "Where are you?", "Did something happen?", "Is everything ok?", "I miss you?", "Love?", "Please, if you are still here... And nothing worked out... Don't do this", "I love you", she seemed to be really worried... So I think I will call Bern, to at least know how she is, with that I go to the contact "cute cabbage", I start the call, it didn't take long and soon she answers me.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat