The Order of the Chosen by Lhotus

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POV Narrator:

The rescue of Naomi Ben Asher was a real success, in which some of the girls were almost caught and discovered with that plan to rescue the girl, but with a huge success they were all rescued, with Laura almost exhausting herself to send them back, she herself said that she wouldn't be able to transport all of them back if there was one more witch there, but luckily all 67 witches and 15 children were able to get out of that real hell. Things were very strange over there with the sudden disappearance of many people that everyone thought were in hiding, it was all a big and huge mystery, no one there knew what was going on. At least until the explosions started and that's when things got a lot worse, the explosions started from inside those walls that were armored, but were only against witches' magic, they didn't expect a gunpowder explosion, a homemade explosion, which started detonating in many points of that hideout, which unfortunately killed some of the cultists on the way, besides destroying the whole building a lot, waking up even the leader Lhotus who was sleeping at the whole moment of the action, he was faced with a tremor, all his men trying to hold that place with magic and everything was falling apart, which made him have to take drastic measures and with all the power he made sure to use to transport to some more isolated island, since he didn't want the group to be discovered, along with all the cult's things and from there that things really started, on that island he had made a Bunker in case an attack like that happened.

In Appleton the students felt strong tremors and explosion sounds coming from below, which was very strange, and also the disappearance of some students, growing even more suspicious about that place, so much so that the director went to see where those tremors came from and soon found a passage blocked by land, which was where the old cult of Lhotus was until a few minutes ago, there he just went back to the top floor and began to prepare to conduct a possible investigation about that place that he had never seen in the whole academy.

Back in the new Lhotus cultists' bunker, many were extremely frightened and impressed by the presence of the man, since he was just a deity to many, but in fact he was more real than anything, not just a legend, not a mortal deity, a tall man, bearded, with some apparent muscle mass and dressed in a very medieval way, he just pointed his sword up high and soon everyone was lined up and organized to listen to his pronouncement.

POV Gabriel:

Shit I was sent to this place... It's because of me that I am here... I am sure that this time I will not escape alive from the clutches of Lhotus... Well, at least nobody found me hiding in the middle of the trees, in that case I will try to find some way to get my foot out of that place as fast as possible, those damn witches, but when I least realized, I was transported back to the whole line of other cultists... Oh fuck, he's almost a god... What the fuck, I won't even be able to escape... It's all or nothing now, if I want to lie this is the big chance... He looks so intimidating, like he is going to execute us at any moment, like I feel a huge tension around this man, Lhotus really is not a legend, he is more real and scary than ever...

- Well done My Chosen Ones... Do you know why we are here? I woke up with our old sanctuary being bombed and saw the tremendous incompetence of you all... What you didn't notice is that it could be an attack made by witches, they disguised themselves as us, they took all the breeding stock with them, there are no girls here, you see? Because there really aren't! Only some of our people passed out on the ground and others that were killed that will serve as a bonfire... But how did a witch get in here? It could only have been the work of a traitor! Only a traitor would have helped a witch gain access to our sanctuary and that's why Gabriel is him! - Said Lhotus with all intimidation causing me to be transported on the spot in front of everyone, they looked at me with all the anger in the world, while Lhotus just stayed with a tranquility that gave me even more fear.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now