Passing the torch

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POV Narrator:

After graduation, Laura and Bernadette went to the McLaren family residence where they would spend six months training to prepare for the big moment when the Cavendish would return to her family residence to take the position of head of the family since they would only have the big chance once possibly in a year, since the ritual only happens during the blue moon time, so because of this it was necessary that the Scottish woman would train more and more to be able to keep up with her sister and her mother who had spent all the three years since her absence training hard to achieve this goal, they waited a lot for Bernadette Cavendish's return, they knew she would be back at any moment. In the McLaren family things were calmer, Laura and Chelsea were getting ready for the next day when they would become the leaders of the family, exactly the day after graduation, since it was better to do it as soon as possible, since the current leader was feeling a little too weak to have that position.

Thursday, June 7, 1990

The day had not even dawned, it was still four o'clock in the morning and soon Laura and Chelsea were woken up by their great-grandmother Elisabeth who made sure to get the two girls out of bed early, and the older sister was still naked and stretched out on the bed, which the lady didn't care, since it was nothing she hadn't seen, so much so that she just covered Bernadette's body that was already well covered with her sleeping all curled up on the bed.

POV Laura:

How cute my two daughters.... I have a little girl and my Diana is an adult.... She is a broom runner just like me.... What a wonderful dream.... Wait it's a dream... I thought I was in a normal day.... So that means I can have omnipotence here and do whatever I want.... Hehe... So I will... Ahhhh... Someone is waking me up... Who is it? I don't even know what time it is, but I feel something hitting my forehead... What the hell... Just when I was about to have a lucid dream.

- Wake up... - said someone waking me up... I quickly put the pillow over my forehead, but I get a cane in my hand which makes me get up.

- Oh fuck... I'm coming... Ouch! - I say to the person until I open my eyes and discover that it was my great-grandmother who gave me another beating... That hurt like hell... Wait a minute, that cold wind...

- At last you're awake girl, here, put this on, you're naked, that's half way there - said my great-grandmother giving me a tunic... Huh? Naked... Ahhhhhhh what the fuck! No! What the fuck, I'm always all tripped out when I wake up and don't notice that I'm completely naked after last night.

- Ahhhhhh! Bisa Elisa! Don't you even know how to ask? You don't have an ounce of decency - I tell her while covering my body and she just shrugged her shoulders right away leaning on the cane, I continued covering my body using the tunic as a cloth, since I wouldn't dress in front of my great-grandmother, I'm ashamed.

- Oh girl! Stop being fresh, it's nothing I haven't seen before, come on, put this tunic on, I'll even turn my back so you can put it on, you don't want me to show that we have the same things, or that I'm not ashamed, the vision that you would have will give you some good nightmares - She said turning back and I did the same, if it was to appear naked that at least was only the back, I soon put that tunic and luckily did not exalt my curves, not even let my nipples apparent... Whew... It was almost like a huge sweatshirt, it was quite warm, and she also gave me some boots that I should put on because we would even need to wear special shoes for this moment... I'm sure it's about the ritual for the head of the family.

After we finished changing, we went to Chelsea's room, where we woke up her, who was a little reluctant, until I used a water spell to wake up my little sister on the spot, throwing a jet of water all over my sister's face, who immediately started to choke, getting up on the spot? It was kind of funny how she reacted, but my great-grandmother told me to be serious at that moment, she was wearing pajamas so everything was much easier for my sister, she got her tunic and boots and just went to the bathroom to change, after my sister was changed we went straight to the bathroom at dawn what I noticed on the windows... The sky was still practically dark. My great-grandmother is crazy to wake us up so early like that... Damn... After this we headed outside and it was very cold outside... It might be summer, but we were in Ireland, and on top of that there was a fog at that time, typical of what happens at dawn.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now