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POV Narrator:

As promised Laura's friends made sure to keep in secret that Laura had just won the British Broom Racing Tour, also part because they didn't have time to tell all the academy, that day of Saturday, Eleanora and April stayed most of the time making relations between the two, Bernadette and Laura stayed in the red team's room playing videogames, Rosemary spent most of the time just reading some books or going out to smoke, but always kept a low profile, since she wasn't much of a gossip spreader, for Laura's happiness.

That night McLaren had a brilliant idea, which she would use the next day, calling the girls to go out with her and have some fun, after all, they were too stuck in that room, just playing videogames, she did not say what it was yet, that she would only tell them the next morning, What was leaving Bernadette and Rosemary curious to know what it was about, that night the Cavendish even passed in the room of the red team to know as soon as possible, sleeping in Laura's bed, since April wouldn't come back the same day to that room.

Sunday, September 13, 1987

Sunday dawns at the Luna Nova gym, the second Sunday of Laura McLaren and Bernadette Cavendish at the witches' boarding school, that morning at nine o'clock, Cavendish is the first one to wake up and she is soon getting ready doing the personal hygiene and other things, besides getting a few peeks at Laura that was sleeping, but was letting a little bit of her buttocks show with the panties that she was wearing under the nightgown. After she sleeps, the Scot goes to her and wakes up McLaren giving her some touches.

POV Laura:

I was dreaming. What the fuck is this kissing the cabbage and saying I love you? I can't believe I dreamed something like that.... I'm afraid it's real... Fuck... Fuck you... For the nine lesbian witches ... I was awakened- By Cabbage? Oh no! Don't give me any sign of that! You stupid heart! I won't fall in love with Bernadette! Oh but it's just a dream, it's not like I'm going to be with Bern, we have nothing to do, I'm probably not even the kind of girl she likes.

- Wake up, wake up, freckles, I want to know what surprise you have for us today. - Surprise, shit, I didn't even wake up... Oh that's it, now I remember.

- Hmmm... Okay, but can you fucking wait! - I reply to Bernadette with "kindness."

- So kind... A horse would be envious of such kindness - Answers the cabbage, trying to be in the same measure, it's amazing how she is so neat even to answer me, it's even funny.

I get up all at once and without wanting to, I end up giving the cabbage a "slap" on the face that falls on the floor and with that I even apologize and rub the back of my head, but it was okay, from what I saw Bern was fine, so I go to the bedroom, get my clothes, I change and after doing my personal hygiene I go to the closet where I get my racing stuff, which was my racing suit, helmet, balaclava and gloves, I turn everything into a shrunken keychain which leaves the cabbage somewhat confused wanting to know what it was all about.

- What is all this? - asked the cabbage.

- We're going out today, have you gone go-karting yet? Because today is the day we're going to do it, I'm just getting my own stuff because I'm not going to fucking use what they offer at the karting tracks, I'm not crazy. They wash the balaclavas very badly, and helmets are for personal use, you don't know which head that helmet went through before, the same about the gloves and the chest protection they offer It doesn't fit on me - I say to Bern who even starts to laugh a little when I talk about the chest protection.

- Oh also, I already know why it doesn't fit, but if that's so then I'll buy helmets, gloves, these new things just for me, you help me with that, before we go out with the girls, after what you said I was afraid even to use - Said the cabbage which makes me shrug.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now