The graduation day

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POV Narrator:

The days for the girls were quiet and they enjoyed a lot to go out, have some fun, as much as they could before the long awaited farewell that would come on graduation day, including Bernadette's birthday that turned 18 and now she can become an adult as well as all the other girls, she finally reached maturity, although she was already the most mature of the whole group by far. The days went by, there were many celebrations among the girls, they went out for Kart rides, to the Arcade, Karaoke, Shopping, amusement park and even went to see Chelsea McLaren's graduation from the Dublin Magic Academy that was about to start her last 3 years of magic, it was the graduation of the elementary school of magic, making the most of every possible experience. Besides also the same ones preparing their bags to leave their rooms, April in this case took most of her things and already took the house she had bought with the money she acquired from the broom races, located in Weddinburgh near the Morris family residence. Jordan had bought land and built her house from there. Laura had already taken almost everything to Bernadette's room since she spent every day there in the blue team's room.

Wednesday, June 6, 1990

The long awaited graduation day arrived in Luna Nova, the girls were still waking up that morning, including the McLaren Cavendish couple who were always the first to wake up. The other girls as usual were also in the blue team's room, they had another night of pizza, sodas and video games, the last and final one before they left Luna Nova. The two girls that always slept in their private room woke up that morning and as usual kissed each other on the cheek and went to do their personal hygiene, the two put on their graduation clothes with the gown and the capel and when they were ready, they started to pack their bags before leaving Luna Nova for good.

POV Laura:

Fucking graduation came, man... I didn't expect it to happen so fast, I'm still amazed that 3 years go by so fast... Fuck... But they were the best ones even though here is not the best place in terms of teaching and even though they have some of the most implicating teachers with intolerance to sexualities, still this place I met my best friends... Others besides my sister and April... I love this academy of witches and I would even put my daughter to study here in the future if it would make her meet friends as spectacular as the ones I met... Since I am going to practice some very advanced magic with her to the point that it would make any academy of witches seem amateurish... Well, the bags are all packed, clothes, my documents, my video game, television, everything in its respective places, now just leave them here and I'll pick them up with Bern and we'll go home.

- I'm done here! Until it wasn't that much, using the shrinking spell makes it much easier, especially to take this TV that I got for Christmas... And even our video game... Well, let's go honey... The graduation is about to start, are the girls awake yet? - Said the little cabbage patch stretching until we left the private room.

As we left they were awake, even wearing their gowns and chapels, how incredible that all of us woke up early today, incredible and very rare, I even went to get a cold pizza but Bern wouldn't let me because it might stain my clothes, so I took it and ate a sandwich that she put a bib on me just so that no bran would fall on my gown, After I ate everything, we got together to clean up the room, just to say goodbye, we took out all the pizza boxes lying on the floor, all the empty bottles and took the opportunity to transport the boxes we didn't eat to where the homeless people were, who could enjoy cold but edible pizzas. After everything was in order we all sat down on the sofa and the carpet of the dorm for a little while to rest after all that tidying up.

- Whew... Now it was all... Hey girls, what do you think if we take one last picture of just us, Morgana take one picture of just us so that it'll be marked between us - said Maria White, and we just listen to Morgan nodding, she soon goes taking a picture of us using all the cameras since it was of each one of us. I sat on the carpet on the side with my cabbage holding my waist. All the taller girls stayed behind and after the picture was taken each one took her camera and went to see how it looked, including me who even smiled, all excited... That day was our graduation... The last picture we took in Luna Nova was only of us. Then we started to take pictures of each other... I even asked April to take many pictures of me and Bern kissing and hugging each other just to make our photo album even more complete. After those pictures we just waited for the bell to ring.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now