Revealing photos

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POV Narrator:

It was a tense few days for the girls after they released that spirit from the Luna Nova dungeon, as they had two plans in mind, one was to get Bernadette out of trouble with her mother by forging a letter, and the other was to collect more information from Appleton, but at least the pictures taken with the films of the boys at the academy were all developed and could be seen by the girls, who had managed to empty all the film from the camera, plus the improvements made to the device April had used, adding more functions, such as a way to warn of magical presences nearby, a more detailed description of the analyzer, which could differentiate a person's species, age, even dead things and objects, and could also reveal the entire written content of a book in case it was cursed or something of that sort, since Laura and Bernadette had taken Jordan's word for it that she should be careful when analyzing the written content of a book, so that she can see it without running the risk of touching it, and can also handle a higher magic reading without breaking the device, since before the limit was 40 magic points per second and then increased to 100 per second, since there was no limit on the number measurement.

Bernadette's plan already had a good progress, with the addition of Scarlet who would be the forger, she was the one who could copy with perfection the handwriting of someone and even could copy the way of writing of the person with just a single document written by the person, but for this they would need to break into the teacher's room or get something for which the same would write, but soon the girls get something that would be perfect with a written test the teacher made, where she wrote the questions herself with her own handwriting and then copied it, and also put the correction of wrong questions by writing with her own font, that was the perfect opportunity for Scarlet to start getting something out of it.

Another thing that was also giving a good improvement was the relationship between the two probable couples, between Scarlet and April things took a very big leap, Taylor was very proud of Jordan for intending to do all that for Bernadette in the name of seeing her friend for Luna Nova, even though the blonde wasn't in love with the redhead, still wanting to just lie down and who knows, give her feelings for the Scottish girl a chance. The relationship between Laura and Bernadette was getting a little closer too, even though they weren't really girlfriends, it was already clear that it was only a matter of time before that romance would blossom, and the two of them would occasionally seal lips with each other, either unintentionally or at the height of emotion.

Saturday, October 17, 1987

Another week of normal classes went by, that's where the girls got their proofs for their plans, it was just enough time for the photos to be developed. Laura went to one more race, since October is the busiest month and usually was the one with the biggest disputes for titles among the racers, but McLaren simply had already won that title, and pulverized any competition, as usual she had already won another race, it was the twelfth of 15, it was already a very high success rate, nobody ever before in the history of the competition was with 12 consecutive victories and not even close to having a perfect season.

After Laura's race the girls all went back to Luna Nova, where they were going to see all the evidence that they collected after the Appleton boys' ball event, quickly they arrive at the academy since the race had been near Blightonbury, in the city of Bristol, so it was easier for the girls to get to the academy. When they arrive they go to the red team room, the group consisted of Scarlet, Rosemary, Laura, April, Bernadette and Eleanora who appeared a little later to help them with the Appleton case.

POV Laura:

Finally we will see these pictures after a long wait, we will finally be able to see what's really in these things... Strange Eleanora here with us... Could it be that she got better, could it be that Maria White doesn't want to have sex? How rare... Well April took it from under the bed, let's see what's on these sheets, so much so that we even sit around the stick that puts his hand in front ...

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now