Bernadette's first win

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POV Narrator:

After all that rescue mission that had explosions and even caused a change of place by the order of the chosen of Lhotus who moved to an island in an unknown location, but still all the hiding place underneath Appleton ended up having some remnants, as much as they managed to send books and anything that delivered more secretly the cult, still many things remained, such as bodies of dead witches, the whole structure of the building, decorations, including statues, idols with the cult symbol. This even ended up drawing too much attention from the police, after Appleton's director opened the way for them to see what was buried there and he was almost arrested because of the witch bodies and everything that was happening under his nose, and it was even necessary for the witches to come to the site to investigate, confirming that the witches were not killed by the principal of Appleton, but that there was also a secret society right under their noses, which grew an even bigger mystery about the Appleton academy about what was going on there, the theories were many, The theories were many, even more so because there were remnants of the cult, so that the case was placed as the Appleton cultists, starting to be investigated by witches from the intelligence agencies, to find out the whereabouts of that place and what was happening behind the scenes, After all, it was a little past the old witch torture cells that the students of that place used to use against witches in the old days, and that place had also been a witch trial court for many centuries, but that portion was totally unknown, no one knew for sure what that place was about. The girls and the people saved at the hand of Lhotus were the only people who knew, besides also Paul Hanbridge who helped the girls from Luna Nova with that whole plan.

But the time went by, the girls were just leaving this event aside, to go on with their lives, with Bernadette's career in brooms that was showing a lot of promise, so far there were 4 races and in the four of them she got second places, adding 32 points, while Laura was on fire adding 40 points with 4 victories in a row, the longest winning streak of BBRT, with 19 victories and she was on her way to the 20th, it was just a matter of time for McLaren. By then the students were starting their third and final term of the year after the spring break, classes would continue until June when the school year would end. Bernadette raced all this time under the name Bernadette Stewart and soon began to be noticed by her mother, who saw Isabella watching her granddaughter's races through a crystal ball and became even angrier when she saw that her daughter was doing well, She was even refusing to use the last name Cavendish, which infuriated Clarie even more, not to mention that the broom was the number 20, a number that Clarie hated in particular because it was the day that her daughter rebelled against herself.

Saturday, May 7, 1988

The fifth race of the year was about to start before a few weeks break in the event and this time Bernadette did very well, she was only two tenths of a second off pole position which was of course Laura the number 72, who was simply impossible to beat in that question, The precision of the same in each curve was shocking in how she took each curve as if it was nothing and still almost scraping the walls, in that it was a more braked circuit and full of walls because it was a street circuit, passing through the streets of Glasgow that demanded the concentration of the runner 100% of the time. That morning the girls settled into the Lancaster family home, since Molly and Harry, Rosemary's boyfriend, lived there. The Cavendish McLaren couple, as usual, the two were sleeping together in one of the rooms of that small mansion. The Scottish girl had concentrated so much that she had not made love for a long time in order to keep all the possible energy stored for the big race.

POV Bernadette:

The day has come... The big race... It is already four second places and I can't win for nothing in this world, Laura is simply stratospheric when it is about race, but today I believe that I will win, today I am motivated, today I will show Laura that my team will win in the strategy, after all I am prepared to run with everything, I soon get up and go to the bathroom and it doesn't take long until I receive a hug from behind given by Laura while I brush my teeth? So cute, I love this girl, I love her even more when I beat her and get to make love to her just to make up for all this hard work.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now