Bernadette first time gaming

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POV Narrator:

The Friday that had everything to look perfect for Laura McLaren's side was a bit of a disaster, as McLaren had to pay a detention after a fight with the desired Beatrice England who never stopped picking on the redhead since she had arrived at the academy, But one thing that was evident to the whole class was how the Irishwoman was someone who should be respected and how she imposed a lot of respect on the Englishwoman who was known as almost a "Queen of Luna Nova" for her self-centered behavior and who made a point of showing that she was much better than everyone else.

After this Friday, comes the first weekend of the girls in Luna Nova, both Laura and Beatrice were forbidden to leave the academy for the whole weekend because of the detention, because of that they had to stay there, but it wouldn't be such a bad thing for both sides, England would probably call some girls for a "private visit" to her room, and Rosemary Morris even suggested that McLaren should socialize with some girls during these days, make some friends outside the girls of the team itself.

Saturday, September 5, 1987

The day of Saturday starts, different of the hot Friday, that had a cooling during the night, what continued the next day, since it was a little colder than the previous day and even it was raining lightly that day, that morning Laura woke up went to wash her hair and soon after was playing a little. Rosemary woke up a little later and noticed that her colleague was still in the room, playing videogames, someone also at the same time was knocking on the door.

POV Rosemary:

Is Laura still in that video game? She needs to go out for a while and socialize with the girls... I don't want her to be alone today without anyone... Being alone is bad... Oh, that must be April.

- Come in! - Said I and Laura until April enters the room with her clothes all wrongly put together, full of marks around her neck, this girl must have been through a hurricane people? Did Maria White do it in such an intense way yesterday?

- You look like a broomstick standing upright now, that hair of yours says it all," said Laura mockingly to April's face, who then gave her the middle finger.

- I'm going to take a shower... Do you want to come with me Rose? - April asked me, which I make a point of accepting, we took off our clothes and went into the bathroom, turning on that shower and starting to wash another one.... I'm going to take this opportunity to ask April out for a little while, since this way I can help Laura with her anti-social problem.

The shower went on as usual, as always we stayed on stools, I always rubbed April's back and she rubbed mine, soon I noticed that the girl was very marked... Not for nothing but this Maria White is a biter and so, left my friend well marked, were bitten even in places that I could not even imagine that it was possible to bite, it seemed that April came out of a cage full of animals hungry for her, but it was only Eleanora Maria White.

- So April... Laura is pretty antisocial I would say, what do you say we go out today, I'm going to Scotland to visit my boyfriend Harry, but if you don't want to go because you think you can afford a sail that's fine, he has a friend too... If you want to enjoy a little - I say to April.

- Look, I wouldn't normally refuse, since the guys at your boyfriend's academy are very attractive, but they are also very brutal and treat women very badly... It surprises me that they are at a gentleman's academy when they act like troglodytes when they are in bed... And I'm a little tired from last night - April answers me, which was understandable.

- I guess Maria White did a pretty good job on that body of yours, I see... But that's okay, before we leave for Scotland we can take a walk in the city, I'll buy some treats for Harry there. What do you think? - I ask April, who nods her head in agreement and then scratches it, as if she were laughing.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now