Laura is the 1987 BBRT champion

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POV Narrator:

After the fight between Laura and Beatrice, which was a real massacre on the part of McLaren, who simply had 10 witches fighting against her, using only a little of her potential against witches that were very well armed. That fight was watched by about 46 students of the academy from different rooms and different years that soon spread the news about what happened to the whole academy, giving even more fame to the Irish girl who became known as the girl who could handle 10 witches alone and even became somewhat respected and admired by the students of the academy as the strongest, but this "fame" had a huge price that the redhead knew very well what it was. Girls started showing up wanting to fight with her to see if she was really strong, but the answer was always "Fuck you".

The week was marked by these rumors about Laura beating up 10 students like it was nothing, which created a reputation of fear around McLaren and what she had about Beatrice faded away, this time the title of the strongest and toughest student in class was the Irish girl, who hated in every possible way to be recognized like that, after all she only wanted to be respected for the person she was and not because of a fight.

Days went by, the rumors went on, the classes went on as usual, even the teachers got to know about these rumors and Finnelan was the most suspicious, she even started to tell Bernadette to stop investigating about the drug deal and all the dangers around Laura McLaren, which was totally untrue, the Irish girl didn't use drugs and Cavendish wasn't working on this investigation thing, so much so that she simply celebrated not having to be related to this kind of nonsense job given by the teacher anymore.

On Friday of that week, Laura had to leave quickly after school, she went to Whittlebury, to take part in the free practice session and then the British Broom Racing Tour qualifying session, in both sessions she got the best time, which guaranteed her the pole position for Saturday's race that would take place in the same place. After the excellent performance in both sessions, McLaren went back to Luna Nova to rest, after all they would have a race in the afternoon of the next day.

Saturday, September 12, 1987

The race day has arrived, the day dawns a few hours later that morning, Laura wakes up from her bed, on automatic she already does her personal hygiene, going to the bathroom to take a shower and after that she puts on her race suit, where as she leaves she comes across Rosemary and April who were also waking up, they say good morning to the girl and wave to her.

POV Laura:

The day has come... I am finally at the point of deciding to be British Champion, but I knew this day would come, with seven races to go I can have that cup for myself... that's seven wins in a row, now I will get my eighth and maybe I will race in the 1989 season of the World Broom Racing Championship, I have the chance to be the youngest champion in the history of the event if I enter and I can still be the youngest to enter a race as I will still be 17 years old. But I don't doubt at all that I will end up being promoted to the European Broom Racing Championship, although it won't make much difference since there are regular brooms there and many more races in the year. Oh and I didn't even notice that the girls were waving at me....

- Good morning girls - I wave to them.

- Laura we are going to cheer you hard today at the race, you can be sure of that, - April said, I think she just woke up, that's why she looks weird and gentle like that.

- I know you will April, you have followed me since the beginning of this season, in fact even in other categories, you were watching my races, it is quite possible that my sister will be there too... Well, I'm going - I say, walking out the door with a suitcase in hand.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now