Back to Ireland

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POV Narrator:

After a very well done planning about how Laura would go back to Ireland and tell her parents about what happened with Bernadette, the McLaren was ready to leave Scotland and follow the way to Ireland, the plan was that the redhead would tell the family that she died because of an accident caused by the chauffeur during a trip which made Bernadette and Diana end up dying, and also a staging to be more believable, taking an urn of ashes on the way back home, so it would be a perfectly believable story. At the Cavendish family's residence things were different, when the two Daryl's daughters arrived, they found Laura's absence a little strange, but Bernadette soon makes up an excuse that she went out on business, to prepare for future events, especially since there are a lot of things ahead at the WBRC, Already between Daryl and Laura things were very tense, since the two barely looked at each other, they knew what the Cavendish who wanted the leadership of the family had done, but decided to keep it a secret so that the two daughters wouldn't notice anything. But Bernadette made sure to tell Anna a little, having her as a right hand man until Laura was back, even asking her to tell little Diana in case the day came that she wanted to know about her "father" and in that she would just tell her that "he died", Bernadette would also make sure to lie to her daughter a little, Bernadette would also make it a point to lie a little to her daughter, since she would not believe Laura McLaren's story about her being a daughter, both because she was an influential witch and because she was a woman, and it was quite possible that this erasure would come about because Daryl would make Bernadette be seen as crazy in the family. The day after that Laura started her trip and with that she left for her house, already with all the convincing evidence and also with the probable news that would serve to make it all very believable.

Saturday, August 8, 1998, McLaren Family Residence, Dublin, Ireland

After the long trip, Laura is arriving home, after a long way reflecting, thinking about how she was going to tell her parents and she was also thinking about Bernadette and her daughter Diana, everything that she had to leave behind from one day to the other, it was a trip that she was not enjoying at all, even more that McLaren liked to travel around with the car, but she didn't like that it was a trip of that level that would leave the Cavendish family residence just waiting for the moment when they would probably meet again, but that would still be very complicated, since it was a curse without a cure made, which would be an extremely difficult task for Laura to accomplish, which she hoped would not take too long about this cure. For she didn't want to lose any moments with her daughter and didn't know how long that lie would take to be revealed and thus McLaren lose credibility. Laura soon gets home, parking the car at home, where she stands with the car stopped in the garage just thinking about what she was going to do.

POV Laura:

And off we go... The moment has come... I will have to tell my parents the "truth", but apparently things are getting like butterflies in my stomach, I can't even think what I am going to do... This sucks... Everything is so shitty... I want to get out of this... Fucking Daryl Cavendish... Why do that? She didn't gain anything with this, but what the fuck... She only did all this to confirm to both of us that we shouldn't trust her and that she doesn't deserve to continue in that residence, just wait until I get back, with Rose's help, we will put this woman in jail one way or another, I'm just going to wait until Diana is older and then we can start planning how we will put this woman in jail, since she may also be planning something in case this all goes wrong for her. Well, let's go... I soon get out of the car, grab my bags and go towards the house, with the bags in hand, as soon as I entered someone must have heard me enter and who appeared was Chelsea, she came running to hug me, I was already showing a very discouraged semblance and was even too sad ... Almost crying.

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