Laura's training

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POV Narrator:

After the Samhaim festival, Laura and Bernadette went to their respective rooms, and McLaren made a call to Cavendish calling her to train with her just for one day, and she would call as soon as she woke up to train, The Scotswoman agreed to do it just to see how the Irishwoman trained in a very hard way and that forced a lot the body, besides showing the limits of the magic power that the redhead reached at that moment, she even said that it would be very good to have a partner to train with because this way she would have bigger gains for both sides.

Monday, November 2, 1987

It was four o'clock in the morning, Laura had already woken up, using an alarm, it was still dark outside the academy, but this was the time that the Irish girl always used to wake up for her trainings, the girl gets up from the bed, starts to get ready, take a shower, change and then opens her dorm's fridge, preparing a whole glass of raw eggs which she eats without hesitating, and after swallowing so many raw eggs the girl goes towards the blue team's room using magic to not be seen, even more because it was still curfew time in the corridors, until she enters Bernadette's room, passing through the door of the blue team's room and entering Cavendish's private dorm.

POV Laura:

Let's go for another training day, this month of November I will dedicate myself totally to training and pushing my limits to see how far I can go, how cute is Bern sleeping, she looks like a little angel, I will wake her up... And she was right to say that she sleeps naked, she is not showing anything, but I can already tell by her shoulders... How hot she is... This way I go crazy. I give her a little shake to wake her up and she quickly opens her eyes and faces me blushing, wrapping herself in the blanket and punching me, making me fall back a little... Wow! This girl is not bad at all in strength... I didn't want to train combat, but she already wanted to show me the opposite here haha... Oh my, that punch hurt.

- Laura! Don't you know how to get into people's rooms without knocking? You know I sleep naked... Now wait outside and I'll be right out after I change - she said as I ran my hand over my nose, which was bleeding.

- Okay... But how else would I wake you up, but relax that I did not see your beautiful body... Although I really want to - I say this until she gives me a kick sending me out of her room on the spot, I end up falling on the floor sitting and start laughing a little ... It was kind of cute, she was so embarrassed. I go to the couch in the bedroom and sit there waiting for Bern to come out of the bedroom with some clothes so that we could start the training.

POV Bernadette:

I knew it would be early, but not that early, the sky is still dark and I can only see the sun now... What a rushed girl... Oh boy... And perverted too... She almost doesn't see my body free, light and loose around here... Oh how good it is to be like this Sometimes I just wish I had my peace and privacy to lie naked one day and look at the sky... (Laura: Although with me it wouldn't be bad at all, even more to have sex with you) Stop it! Even in her conscience she is perverted (Another Laura: Never mind her, we can have sex naked looking at the sky, since I make you go to heaven) Stop it! I told you I'm not a pervert... Maybe... But that's not the point... I go into my private bathroom and take a shower and then I put on my clothes and as soon as I was ready I come out and go to the living room where I find Laura sitting with her feet on the arm of the sofa... What a fucking slacker.

- Take your feet off the couch! It's not a zone here - I tell her, and she quickly takes her feet off.

- It was ready pretty quickly, but now let's get you ready, first with a nutritious breakfast - she said, picking up eggs and dropping them raw into a glass.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now