The arcade part 1

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POV Narrator:

After the meeting the girls went back to their rooms to rest, in the case of Eleanora who went to her team room, as usual to go have fun with her roommates, since she always had the habit of doing things with her roommates, having fun in bed with Naomi and Velma, sometimes inviting other girls to the moment that only she had among her friends, Since April was engaged to Scarlet, there was no way she could call Jordan to join the fun, even more so since she decided to stay in the red team's room playing video games with Taylor and Cavendish also did the same thing, until Laura returned from her conversation with the director still perplexed with the proposal.

She was only 15 years old and had already received an offer that was practically lifelong of having an extremely important position, becoming the director of Luna Nova and it was really of extreme responsibility since it was the most important academy in all of Europe and the most influential one as well, She even kept it a secret between the girls saying that it was just a silly conversation and that they had talked about the redhead's ancestry who was the great-great-granddaughter of an important professor of the academy who was brutally murdered by Margaret Benson Ford.

Sunday, October 25, 1987

One more day dawns in Luna Nova, a Sunday day that the girls decided that that day would be a day for them to rest and to take advantage to go out a little, since in the previous day Laura had a genial idea of the girls go to an Arcade, where they would spend a good time having fun and to relax too, to relieve all the tension that was on top of them, the first person to wake up was Bernadette that was sleeping leaned over Laura's chest that although she was lower in the bed the two were of the same height, but with the Cavendish's feet much lower than the McLaren's ones.

POV Bernadette:

Ahhhhhhhh! I was sleeping the whole time leaning on Laura's breasts... That's why the pillow was so soft. What a thing... I hope she didn't notice... Oh no, I drooled on her shirt... Oh dear... Now I've made a mistake... Oh no... Well, I'll just leave it alone and get out of here. Damn, is she awake yet? I hope she doesn't notice.

- Hmmm... Huh? - she said, waking up and rubbing her eyes.

- Good morning Laura - I say to the little freckle that was so cute waking up, with the strands of her hair all messed up, I would gladly comb that out.

- Well... Day - Said the little cutie yawning ah how I want to squeeze those cheeks of hers.

I quickly get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I don't even notice that Laura had also entered, I go on brushing as usual until I hear her... urinating in the next toilet? Ahhhhhh... I couldn't help it and I look to the side getting extremely flushed and she soon looks at me and gets extremely flushed and then I run and go out of the bathroom...

POV Laura:

Fuck me! I'm so fucking dumb... I didn't notice that Bern was on my side... I am an idiot when I am just waking up... I don't even notice that there are people and I go to the bathroom to take a piss, what the fuck... Fuck you... I hope she didn't see anything... I hope I haven't traumatized her. Fuck, it was right when we were having a good time. I'm glad she didn't brake anything. Ahhhhhh... Finally everything came out... I quickly clean myself up and go to the door.

- You can come in Bern, sorry... You know how I'm kind of... sloppy when I wake up - I tell her, still holding my toothbrush in my mouth.

She comes in and pushes me out, and all I heard was her letting out a pee and then leaving the room, after she left I could go in and brush my teeth, and also wash my face and comb my hair which was very messy... I just don't know why my chest is wet... I don't usually drool so much when I sleep, it's usually my pillow that gets all the drool... This is really strange... I wonder if Bern slept on my chest. How cute... I mean... Ahhhhhh... I can't believe that... Ahhhh... I'm being used as a pillow... After everything I leave the room and meet Bern who was stretching and stretching her body.... So beautiful, wearing my clothes and still with those curves of hers....

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now