Daryl smartness part 1

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POV Narrator:

The days passed since Daryl had left the Cavendish mansion to go on a trip, Bernadette and Isabella even asked her why she had left so suddenly, but she said she was taking a break from all the traveling around her friends at the reformatory and that it was none of the family's business, that they shouldn't meddle in her life, then with this rather rude answer from the youngest Cavendish. Bernadette only let it go because she didn't care anymore, since her sister was always excessively rude to everything and everyone, regardless of what they did to her. That year was also marked by Laura McLaren's excellent performance in the World Broom Racing Championship, winning the championship that her great-grandmother had never won, With extreme skill and speed above average, she shocked the whole broom-racing world, which had no idea that she was a newcomer of the highest caliber, who came with everything, fighting for victories and even the title, showing how she was the most skillful witch, a tremendous ability that she would show in 1992 with the beginning of the season, During testing she was a little bit dissatisfied since the team did not want to use the broom designed by her. She would still follow Elizabeth Chapman's design ideas and because of that McLaren sold the project to other smaller teams that made sure to buy and use those Irish philosophies in the broom, hoping to gain some points in the championship. Besides that for 1992 LEAF had lost the contract with Zaibatsu for the distribution of the magic orbs and so had to appeal to the cheaper and unreliable Heinkel that claimed they were much faster than the Japanese company's magic orbs. This showed a bit of deception on their part since in pre-season testing, the team had reliability problems, but even so the pushy Elizabeth wanted to keep those orbs.

Sunday, March 8, 1992, Brazil

The beginning of the year was being very promising for Laura McLaren, in spite of the problems she had managed to get the pole position even with a broom slightly inferior than the one from the previous year, what was very strange because the team had won the championship of runners with Laura McLaren the championship of runners and that gave her a high prize money for the victory of the championship. After the classification training the race day arrived, in that hotel Laura was with Bernadette getting ready to go racing that morning. In another room Daryl was the one who was there, what was very strange, so much that one of the runners arrived in the room and the presence of the runner was strange. It was Lucy Watson, one of the competitors for the championship against Laura McLaren, who lost by underestimating the redhead during the whole championship, but this time she was determined to possibly win.

POV Daryl:

Lucy Watson came in, she finally came, let's see if she wants to do business with me, I hope so, I couldn't do it with Alanna Russeau as she seems like a pretty clean runner unlike this Lucy, she was actually quite pissed off seeing Laura win all these races, so I imagine she is quite unhappy, this will be perfect for our business. As she walks in, she looks at me with a bit of confusion and then anger, putting her hands on her waist and then I immediately start to smile while she is still very confused, she had no idea why I was there, but I decide to start opening my mouth before they kick me out.

- Wait a minute Lucy Watson, don't go acting hastily, I have an interesting proposal for you, so close the door and we can negotiate better - I say to her that continued confused, but gave a huff and closed the door, she was already with that runner outfit so it was just a matter of time until she goes to another race and loses to Laura, but without first negotiating with me, this could change her whole season.

- Ah... What is it this time? What does a teenage fan want with me? You have a lot of audacity to come to my suite and want something... Well, by your appearance I deduce that you are a Cavendish, so you must be a wealthy fan, but even so I don't want anything to do with you, I am a runner of principles, I don't relate to fans, and even so I don't relate to underage fans as you seem to be - She said until I started to laugh intensely Too bad, because you will... Not even if I baptize your drink, but that's for another story, well... Let's negotiate.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now