The mysterious ghost on Luna Nova

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POV Narrator:

The ball they had in Luna Nova with the visit of the Appleton boys went on, with the capture of cameras and a device that reduces magic, the girls are making discoveries about it all, first revealing each thing in turn, before starting to look more closely at the evidence they collected, besides Jordan was also reverse engineering the magic reducing device, She even got to analyze the programming of the device and was in shock because it was something extremely complex, so that when she found out she was trying to decipher every single thing in that code.

Laura, along with Bernadette, went to the library to look for records about Appleton's past and both discovered that the place has a much more disturbing past than they thought it had, that place was once a tribunal that tried and tortured witches captured during the hunting era and that continued secretly for some years after the hunting ban, reports of witches who escaped from the clutches of that academy, which was just a place of facade for what was happening there secretly. The most recent record dates back to 1915 of a student named Velma Foster who ventured into the place with the intention of trying something with the boys or even to see them, but was captured, spent a whole week being tortured and tried in a secret dungeon hidden in the academy, besides having her magic drained by the same students and the abuse she suffered. Until the day she escapes and makes it back alive to Luna Nova. This record was not so recent, but it was not so old either, being from 70 years ago and 3 centuries after the prohibition of the witch hunts it was really something very strange to think that it was still happening.

All that investigation by the girls, made them discover things that made them a little bit afraid and also angry, for what the witches were doing in Appleton, including Bernadette who was a little bit scared with what Laura and April were messing with, besides her being in the middle of it too, with the great risk of being captured and going through the same thing that poor Velma Foster went through, McLaren soon has an idea, to find where this Velma Foster was and interview her to find out what happened in Appleton, but this would take some days, since they would need to know where she lives and also if she was still alive, since it was very likely that she was close to 90 years old.

With the days going by Laura had to go in one more race, on Friday she qualified in the pole position and as usual on Saturday she got one more victory, even if she was already with the maximum of points necessary for the season, she showed that she was setting a dominant season more and more, This attracted the attention of other teams that watched from afar the spectacular performance of McLaren and even tried to negotiate with the Irish driver, who in this case would not race in the WBRC because of the LEAF contract, but would sell design projects of racing brooms to these teams, in case they were interested, many of them even left thinking that it was no big deal and that it was just a joke just because she was a racer and not a designer.

Sunday, October 11, 1987

The girls continued with their studies, coming to the conclusion that Velma Foster was still alive at the age of 90, living in London, England. But before they went out in search of the witch who escaped from Appleton, they decided to use that Sunday day to explore the academy itself, in a plan that April had devised all week with a map of Luna Nova with some places that have been closed for years.

POV Laura:

Okay, after a quota of getting information I was disgusted with Appleton, I already thought that the place was not good, but now I see that all this pretending to be okay with the witches is a front for everything they are planning with us... They want to kill us... Fucking sons of bitches... Now it all makes sense, that little device to reduce magic, by the nine lesbian witches... But it is still strange about their manipulation of magic... Men have no magical presence, they cannot manifest magic unless they are a trans man who has not transitioned or a trans woman who is starting to transition, but even then these are very adverse conditions, as soon as a trans man starts taking hormones, little by little the magic is gone... If they are really boys by birth, then the hole is deeper... Well, April is planning a raid on the abandoned corridors here, but we run the risk of getting caught, no matter how good the plan is.

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