The training of the Luna Nova girls

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POV Narrator:

After the conversation that Laura had with Harriet and Freya, she could finally be sure that she would be able to find the cure if she deserved it by winning the triple crown of the broom racing world, but she still had another concern that would possibly plague her, that would be Daryl's attempt to kill her own sister, that she was already producing some poison to get rid of, Rosemary was still gathering some evidence and better analyzing each thing she collected from Daryl's room, since it went unnoticed, assembling the perfect dossier for in case Laura comes back to the Cavendish family mansion, she would have the best evidence to incriminate her in case Bernadette's sister tried anything. Besides trying to kill her own sister, she was also pushing any man to her side just to erase even more the history of all the fight she had to be independent, who fought so hard to be seen as a lesbian and accepted as such, but still Daryl wanted to emphasize that her sister marry some rich and handsome man for the family image and also for the money that could come, But also as a form of erasure on Daryl's part, she knew that her sister marrying anyone would erase the whole story that Bernadette was a lesbian. In these days that passed, the Cavendish had only unexpected visits from three suitors who came almost always there and received a wonderful out by the elder Cavendish, they were the same as always, Daniel, James and Arthur, the men who were trusted that Daryl kept pushing to her sister and on top of that they practiced relations with her, which would not only be an erasure, but a facade marriage without love and still with constant betrayals. With Laura, things were more about her going back to intense training to try to get the triple crown in broomstick racing.

Monday, September 13, 1999, Luna Nova, Wales

Laura keeps her promise, she was in the forest of Arcturus just waiting for the presence of Madeleine, Croix and Chariot who were going to come to train with her and become professional broom runners, but for that they would need plenty of physical strength and train to the limit. Laura stayed there waiting while the girls in their room were still awakening, since Laura arrived much earlier, and would be extremely punctual with the trio. Already in the red team's room the alarm clock was ringing and soon they started to wake up in the morning.

POV Chariot:

Hmmmmm... Another week starting... These classes here are not the coolest thing in the world like the classes in France, the teachers here are a pain in the ass once in a while, I honestly didn't like any of them, especially that teacher Finnelan, she looks at me like I am a freak or something, and I don't even get in trouble, all because I am a bouncy and cheerful little girl, but that's exactly what teacher Olivia taught us in all the years at the witch school in Loperec that we should be cheerful and magic should bring joy to everyone, but this place is much more serious, I walk here and it feels like I'm in a barracks, where any slip would make me be punished with some kind of humiliation... I don't know if the other two are like this, but I felt trapped here... I felt like I lived in a regulated environment and that everyone is very serious, not even technology we can have... Video games and televisions are clandestine... I quickly get out of bed after thinking for a while, scratch my eyes and go to the bathroom and when I get there I see Croix in the shower and... I accidentally look between her legs and she has a.... She has a cock! Ahhhhhh... What's that? She has a dick! She's a girl with a dick! What a... What a... Ahhhh... I quickly turned my face and tried to leave, but she magically closed the door and when I turned around she was wrapped in her towel somewhat embarrassed.

- Please... Chariot... For the sake of our friendship... Don't tell anyone... I... I... I'm a trans girl... - She was crying with shame... I was a little confused... I guess that must be a name for a girl with a dick... I never thought I would see one like this I thought girls had parakeets.

- I get it, you're a girl with a dick, that's fine... With me you can feel safe Croix, if that's what you do to feel comfortable... And since I accidentally saw you like this I think you should see me like this - I say as I take off my clothes with a little embarrassment, Croix was a stone of embarrassment and I quickly took everything off.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now