First day of classes

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POV Narrator:

Laura arrived at the academy of Luna Nova, her first day was a little different since the first contact with a student of the academy was very badly received by Beatrice England and the extreme ignorance of the girl, but this kind of did not let her down, even more so because she was welcomed soon after by another student who was very different from the extremely offensive redhead. Rosemary Morris, one of the students of the red team, who gives a preview of McLaren's introduction to her and who made a small friendship with her, also telling her that she had a childhood friend who was also at the academy.

A friend that she started to meet after all the welcome presentation that is always given when a school year is about to begin at the British witch academy. The reunion of the two girls was marked as usual for the best friends of one offending the other with "affection", it was the way the two girls always interacted. April and Laura this time would be able to remember their childhood days, where they practically studied together and after school they would go to each other's houses to have fun, sometimes to play videogames, play anything or even just for the friendship they had, since Jordan was practically like a big sister to McLaren.

The first day was also marked by the fact that Laura didn't do much, so much that she didn't even want to explore the halls of the academy, preferring to stay in the room having fun with April and Rosemary in the red team room. Just as McLaren already found out about Morris' different habits, one of them bothered her a lot which was smoking, which already made the Irish woman lower the law in her room that the Scot could not smoke there even with the window open, which made her have to go outside, where she would have to be careful since smoking is expressly forbidden in the academy, although many of the students had that habit, including Beatrice England and Molly Lancaster from the blue team, who even called Bernadette to take a walk in the academy and try a little, but she just walked away from the girls and stayed as far away as possible going alone in exploring the halls of the academy, until she meets one of the teachers who was Anne Finnelan, who decided to show her the halls and places of the academy as a way to willingly help Cavendish.

Wednesday, September 2, 1987

After the first day when the two new students arrived, the first day of class arrives, dawning like any day where the sun rays were beating on the gym, it was seven o'clock in the morning and soon the room alarm clocks started to ring, Laura was soon waking up on the first day of class, with her "pajamas" where it was only her big t-shirt with GPT cars from the O'Laren team, she gets up and leaves the screen that divided the side of the room where her bed was, going practically in an automatic mode to the bathroom, without noticing that she was partially showing her buttocks, so much that April was looking at that scene and almost fainted with that vision.

POV Laura:

Seven o'clock in the morning... I guess it will be every hour that I will wake up at this time to start school... I went to the bathroom paying no attention to anything, I really hope that my shirt didn't screw me and leave part of my ass showing, especially since I saw April and Rose awake. I just took off my shirt and threw it in a barrel, turned on the shower and started to take a shower, washing my hair since it was a Wednesday and I always used to wash my hair twice a week, once on Wednesday and once on Saturday.

- Good morning Laura! - The two from the other side say, I think they noticed that I woke up, I just keep quiet and don't answer them, just feeling the warm water falling over me and my body, while I take the opportunity to brush my teeth and take that morning pee, all at the same time.

- Laura doesn't even answer - said Rosemary, while she was still too sleepy to answer.

- That's because she just woke up and that's when she gets all sleepy and distracted, no wonder I saw that delicious ass of hers - April said answering Rose, could she or ... What? What the fuck is that April Jordan? Now I'm awake for real.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu