Beatrice's plan

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POV Narrator:

After talking to each other, Laura and Bernadette hit it off, they also give each other some time to process those events through which McLaren told of the relationship she had with her younger sister Chelsea, since Cavendish was falling in love and wanted to take the time to reflect a bit on whether it was really worth investing in that passion, The Irish girl, on the other hand, was still reluctant with thoughts of passion, still wanting to deny it, but it was very clear what she felt about the Scottish girl, the two were liking each other, the two could no longer feel something that was just a simple friendship, this was all really a very strong passion.

Beatrice had something else in mind, she wanted Laura McLaren's body, she wanted to get the girl to lie in bed with her, but for that she needed to technically "drug" the girl using the cupid bee spell that not only made the stung person fall in love, but also made her desires rise to the surface, losing a little control and being able to act with all her libido towards the first person she looks at, in those days she and Molly Lancaster went after getting one of those, the spell of one lasts for about an hour and was already enough to have a good time with the student considered the trophy of Luna Nova among the students of the academy that in one month already considered her the "hottest" of all the academy, She hated to be pointed out as a hot girl and that was it, or when they were excessively adoring her, because she didn't want all that idolatry, she just wanted to be seen as Laura McLaren.

The days of class went by as usual, the difference being that Bernadette and Laura, who usually hung out together a bit, were no longer so close, they were very distant from each other, McLaren with the girls from her team and others who made a pass at the girl, always saying that Bernadette was her girlfriend, and Cavendish alone, practically isolated with the girls from her team and the other upper-class girls from time to time, she even stayed in her own room during the class breaks, eating alone, completely isolating herself.

Wednesday, September 30, 1987

It was a normal day of class like any other, the girls were just studying, it was already the fourth week of class, they were all more used to all the teaching focused on magic, although Laura and Bernadette still found the teaching weak because they were way above the normal standard, they just spent the classes studying about other things, like strategies for broom races in Laura's case, since the month of October will have four events in a row happening almost every weekend she had races in those weeks, the more because they were the last ones of the year. The Scottish girl, on the other hand, just drew or read a book. After the morning and afternoon classes were over, there was all that tension between Laura and Bernadette going their separate ways. Until she is approached by Molly Lancaster in the middle of the corridors.

POV Laura:

What was it this time, who pulled me in? What's the need for that? Oh, it's the four-eyed friend of Beatrice England. What does she want with me? Why did she pull me out of nowhere like that? Well, let's see, but there was no need to do that.

- What do you want? - I ask the four eyes that were a little nervous.

- Look I've come at Bea's request, she wants to apologize to you, come with me to the blue team room, we really want to ask in a way more deserving of your forgiveness Laura... You see... I think she's really repented, finally I would say, since now maybe she's changed into the person she is - Molly said. I don't know if she's just messing around or if it's really true.

- And how can I believe it? - I asked again, this time being clearer.

- I know it seems difficult, but believe me, come with me, also enjoy the luxurious rooms - I don't know, I already have a reputation as a hottie, why would I go to the snake's nest? Why would I go where I'm wanted, I'm even suspecting that this girl wants me in a sexual way.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora