Appleton boys part 1

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POV Narrator:

Some days pass since Laura, Bernadette, April and Scarlet went out to play tennis, that week the academy was preparing for a special visit of the Appleton boys in the middle of the week in a Wednesday, that where the boys of that male academy came to visit the witches, many of the times to woo the girls or then as a test that they used for the boys of that academy to learn to have a bigger chivalry with the girls, since it coincided a lot with their chivalry classes, with that the students were getting ready all week to get ready for that night after classes. With the exception of a few who didn't want to be there, others who were lesbians and had no interest in any boys around, really because they didn't like men. The girls were practically forced to participate in that event since it was worth some of their grade and served as a way to teach them how to deal with men, since Finnelan had a lot of the mentality of calling the boys from Appleton to just have the intention of uniting the girls of Luna Nova and thus ensure that they have as a pair someone of good income next to them, besides ensuring a good reputation.

In those days Bernadette and Laura were slowly getting closer to each other, they still had a lot of the tension between them, but they even managed to play videogames together at the red team's room, as usual, it was the old ways coming back, as April was hanging out more and more with Scarlet, she wanted to show the girl how she was worthy of having an extra attention and even get something that she wants so much, although Taylor was making it very hard for her, but that wasn't such a problem, since Jordan loves a good challenge, so it would be more fun for her to win the redhead's heart or even get what she wants so much. But this was also making one girl in specific a little bit resentful, thinking she was being left behind, Eleanora since April met Scarlet, was missing those days and many of the times Jordan was politely refusing, she said she wanted to preserve herself a little bit, just to see if it was worth investing in someone. Very different from the April she used to be in the early days of school, she was maturing a bit in that regard.

Something that ended up changing a lot in this time was about Beatrice England and her colleagues from other rooms, who were never seen trying to irritate Laura McLaren again, but that was due more to fear and also because they realized that it was a waste of time, they would be ignored or at the most they could be very well sculched only by words, besides they felt the desire for something else, they didn't want to put Laura in her place, they wanted to have McLaren's body, mainly because Beatrice told them a lie that she almost had sex with her, what was clearly a lie.

Wednesday, October 7, 1987

The day of the so expected event of the Appleton's boys visit arrives, at the dawn the girls just act as if it was a normal day as any other, being Laura going to take a shower and wash her hair as she always does in Wednesday days. The others go getting ready for a school day, putting the uniforms and bathing themselves, besides going to the cafeteria to have breakfast. At the red team's room, after the three girls have finished with the tidying up, they go with the books on their arms towards the cafeteria for breakfast and also talk to each other about the prom.

POV Laura:

Today is the day of that fucking visit from the Appleton boys, whatever that shit is. I honestly didn't want to be around them... I'm a lesbian, man. It wouldn't hurt to leave me alone in my place, but no, that fucking teacher wants to make us do this... Oh, fuck you. I'll just be there for Bernadette anyway. I'll make sure no one makes her uncomfortable. After all, so is she.

- Hey Laura, are you looking forward to that ball? I get to see Harry tonight. We're gonna dance so hard. Besides having the most beautiful boys from all over the UK there, but none is more beautiful than my Harry... - Said Rose all happy and thinking about that weird boyfriend of hers.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now