The Christmas on Luna Nova

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POV Narrator:

Laura and Bernadette were together as a couple with 4 days left until Christmas, things between them got much better, they weren't separated anymore, each one staying in her respective residence, this time they were both at the McLaren family residence, where they would spend the rest of the days of the winter recess until the return to school at Luna Nova. In that time until Christmas, there were some visits from Rosemary and April, who came on the 23rd to visit her friend and introduce Scarlet to her family, who didn't accept very well the fact that she was a trans girl, This made Jordan so angry that she ended up getting into a fight with her older sister, but luckily her girlfriend prevented her from throwing more than one punch, which then made them stay at the McLaren family residence, since they weren't being respected at home, which made the blonde very angry because she just wanted to introduce her girlfriend to the family and show that she was a girl like any other.

During all this time also Laura and Bernadette were taking the opportunity to make a lot of love besides also training their broomstick skills, even more so in relation to Cavendish who started first by flying on an ordinary broomstick, going through an obstacle course in which the McLaren timed each lap time it took her to pass, giving a goal to the Scottish girl who had to reach all the speed necessary to be as good a runner as the Irish girl, and also had more physical training involving flying, much like she had done with the green-haired girl before, only a bit more complicated and rigid, with a stronger air current, and also involving a lot more weight and control on a broken broom, going through the same obstacle course, since the broken broom required a lot more control to stay on the course and still make good time, but it was impressive that even then Bernadette had a very smooth and at the same time fast broom control, not at Laura McLaren level, but still very fast and whenever the Cavendish went well the reward was always given in bed between the two who were always loving each other.

Friday, December 25, 1987

The day before Christmas day arrived, the McLaren family was already getting ready, the house was practically decorated, since the Christmas decorations were there since the end of November, the presents were already bought that week, put around the tree, the food wasn't made yet, but it was already bought to be prepared in the morning of the next day and who wakes up first that day is Elisabeth and Joanne who start preparing the Christmas dinner, In the other rooms people were still waking up, and Laura and Bern were the next ones to get up that morning, with the weak rays of sun beating on that room, in another extremely cold winter day that indicated that probably this would be another "White Christmas", but probably not, although the thermometers outside were reading three degrees below zero.

POV Laura:

Today is Christmas... Hmmmm... Let's not train since it's a day off... Bern is still sleeping... We must have had her checked last night... I can even see how full of marks she is. Wow... I had no idea that sex would be so good and that we would have it so crazy, it was one of the best feelings I have ever had in my life having sex with Bern. Wow... I get up, cover my girlfriend since I didn't want her to get cold, stretch and go towards the bathroom where I look in the mirror at all the marks she made on me... And there were many, she really left me with hickey marks everywhere, especially on my neck, this way I will have to wear a different blouse, or just cure it with magic, it will be easier this way, I will only hide the ones that are showing and prevent me from wearing some manieras clothes? On the buttocks too... There is a heart on my buttocks... Ahhhh... So that's what she was biting that day we had sex the first time? It was a heart made of bites... What the... This girl had me bit all over the place. Not that it's bad.

I start to turn on the bathtub and as the water fills up I take the opportunity to do my basic needs, until Bern enters the bathroom and also starts to do the same, she soon looks at me sitting on the toilet and gives me a good morning kiss? How cute... But how inconvenient too, that is intimacy I would say, she kisses me good morning while she was peeing, then I get up and give her another kiss, only this time a real kiss, not a silly kiss.

Laura McLaren: The mother of Diana Cavendish IVWhere stories live. Discover now