Chapter 96: bruises

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George POV.

I woke up, still naked and being held by Clay. Once again he was sitting up and rubbing small circles over my bare back with his hand. I remembered what had happened last night and my face flushed red, but I attempted to cover it up by burying my face in the blond's chest.

Clay chuckled at this as sat me up and kissed me, his hands running slowly up and down my bare back and to my skinny legs.
"Morning Georgie." He mumbled like he usually did as he pressed his lips against my forehead.
"Hi Clay" I muttered as he sat up and pulled my naked self onto his lap.

We pressed our foreheads against eachother as Clay reconnected our lips gently. When they parted his eyes searched mine for a moment, "so I'm curious... how..." He paused for a second, "how did you feel about last night?"
I blushed at the mention of what happened, I felt my muscles tense but I gave a quiet sigh.

"I didn't hate it... I-I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do it again sometime... with you."
My eyes stayed away from Clay's, as my face grew a brighter red. The blond just smiled as he he hooked a finger under my chin, causing my gaze to meet his. He kissed my forehead quickly and replied with a slight smirk "I think that could be arranged."

My face glowed red and I looked away to avoid eye contact as I glanced at the time, 11am. I realised how hungry I was and pushed away from the blond slightly.

"We should probably go have a shower" I said absentmindedly, as I climbed off of him.
"You sure Georgie? Nothing is stopping us from staying here all day."
"I'm sure. I need to go shower." I said as I stood up.

As I walked to the bathroom I wrapped a small blanket around my waist because I didn't want Clay to see me naked more then he needs too.
"Want me to come with you?" It'll save water and be more fun," the blond called after me. I just lowered my head in embarrassment and refused to reply to him.

When I got in the bathroom, and locked the door just to be safe, I climbed into the shower and try to rinse away the thoughts of last night.

All I could see as the soap suds rolled down my body was the marks and bruises Clay had left in red, purple and brown. In between washing my hair, my hands would trail down to trace them gently.

After taking way longer then I needed in the shower I climbed out and changed my clothes, then looked in the mirror. Unfortunately for me there were dozens of bruises visible on my body still, and while I could blame most of them as bumps from ice skating the one's on my neck and collarbone I could not.

So I began searching through cupboards for some concealer to cover the bruises with. Another 10 minutes passed while I did that before stepping out of the bathroom where Clay was waiting, he too had also showered.

"Hey-uh Clay, are there any notable bruises that you can see?" I asked as I walked over to him.
The blond looked up from his phone and pointed at my arm where a particularly large purple bruise was blooming.
"No. I mean on my neck... Any bruises that you may have made."

Clay pocketed his phone and closed the gap between us before beginning to examine my neck. I leaned my head to the side for him to see and then felt his cold fingers on my neck.
"Clay?" I questioned my eyes meeting his beside the awkward position.
The blond hummed, "just making sure the bruises are visible Georgie" he said with a smirk, knowing it was the opposite of what I wanted.

"Pillow, stop please, we need to get downstai-"
I was cut off when the blond connected his lips to my neck and began sucking on it gently, while holding the side of my body to stop me from moving out of his grip.
Eventually he pulled away and gave me a sly smile, "you look so cute like that Georgie."

"Fuck you" I muttered, returning to the bathroom to begin trying to cover up the new bruise Clay had left.
And speaking of the blond, he decided to make this as difficult as possible by wrapping his arms around my back and resting his head on my shoulder, watching my reflection as I covered the bruise.
"Aww, you don't look as pretty now Georgie." He pouted as I glared at him, "guess I'll need to make a lot more of them tonight."

I decided it was best to ignore Clay while he was clearly horny and headed downstairs, and I barely made it five steps into the dining room when I was crushed in a hug by my over-excited mother.

"There's my 18 year old son!" She said happily as she effortlessly crushed my bones, "you look so handsome now that you are a man."
"Agreed" Clay hummed loudly as he entered the room and walked past the pair of us.
My face flushed slightly red as my mother giggled, "even our son-in-law agrees."
"He's not your... Nevermind." I grumbled as I went to sit at my spot beside Clay.

My father was sitting at the head of the table, as usual and reading his paper. But when I sat down and took a drink of water he put the paper down.
"Happy birthday George. I didn't get a chance to say it yesterday since you and Clay disappeared before I could speak to you. Although I hope you got the gifts your mother picked out on behalf of us both."

How could I forget the matching pajamas, half a dozen pride flags, skirts and other stuff that he and my mother had picked out.

"Yeah dad, I got them." I said, trying to cover up how annoyed at them I was for buying those by giving them a small smile.
"Good, then let's eat."
1039 words.

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