Chapter 72: cracked ribs

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Holy shit 980 followers, I swear I only had 600 yesterday.

Either way holy fuck thank you all! Dog thanks you too.

Either way holy fuck thank you all! Dog thanks you too

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Never realised how photogenic my dog is either. BTW this is what I wake up too every morning.
Clay POV.

George had disappeared by the time the teachers let us go. I expected he would be in the library as that's where he usually disappeared off too, so that's where Darryl, Zak and I went.

However, when we got there and looked around George wasn't there, then when we talked to Mrs Murdo she said she hadn't seen him. That's when I began panicking, I pulled my phone was pulled from my pocket to look for a text or call from him, but the brunette hadn't sent any.

I dialled his number and waited while it rung a few times. Then I heard an answer, a voice that wasn't George's, it was a monotone voice and he answered with a bored sounding "hello. This is Clay right?"
"Yes, who's this?"
"This is Techno" I raised an eyebrow, feeling somewhat worried.
"Hey Techno... Where is George?" I asked.

"The nurse's office." The pinkette spoke in the most bored tone possible, however it felt like a thousand tiny alarms were going off in my mind. George was in the nurse's office. Why? What happened? He obviously got hurt but how badly? Why didn't he call me? And why was Techno there?

"I'll be there in a minute... Thanks Techno." I hung up and began running down the halls, leaving Darryl and Zak back in the library and heading to the nurse's office.

I arrived and pushed the door open, I instantly looked over to see the Brit laying on a bed with an ice pack on his face covering the left half of his face. Beside him sat Techno who was flipping through pages of a book.

When George saw me he sat up straighter and smiled slightly with a pained expression on his face. I returned the smile and then turned to Techno, "thank you for helping." He gave a nod of acknowledgement before standing and leaving.

Once he left I sat beside the brunette and looked him in the eyes, "mind telling me what happened?"
His eyes widened slightly when he realised that I was talking to him, "what do you mean?" he asked back, adjusting the ice pack slightly so both his eyes were visible.
"Why are you in the nurse's office, with bruises on your arms and back, and an ice pack on your swollen face?"

"Kind of got attacked by a bunch of sports players after they all found out that I was gay." He looked down with a worried expression and I gave him a small smile and brushed some hair out of his face.
In a gentle voice I smiled at him and talked calmly, as though I was talking to a child, "would you like me to snap their necks for you Georgie?"

The brunette giggled at my comment and I chuckled along with him. I turned to the nurse who was sitting at her desk typing something up on her computer, "is it okay for me to take him home now?"
"Yes. Mr Davidson doesn't have to many injuries besides a cracked rib (because apparently a punch in the right spot can do that), but rest is the best thing for him." The nurse explained.
I'm sorry George has a bruised rib? How hard was he fucking punched?

"Okay" I nodded, deciding to ignore the cracked rib for now. I gave her a small thank you before standing with the brunette and heading out of the office and into the hallway.

Everyone we passed on the way was either staring at us or averting their gaze, probably worried that they would catch whatever 'gay virus' we had.

When we got to the car we both sat down in silence, looking at eachother momentarily, a question had been tugging away at my mind so I finally turned to him and asked it, "why didn't you tell the nurse or another teacher that a bunch of sports players did that too you?"
"Oh-uh... How-how did you know I didn't tell her?" George asked, looking over at me meekly.
I rolled my eyes, "because I know you Gogy, and you never end up telling teachers when that happened."

The brunette just turned to the window and shrugged his shoulders.
I mean, this school would have probably suspended all of George's attackers from their sports teams, although I (and everyone else) knows how competitive the school gets about stuff like basketball and football. Nobody would be surprised if they brushed aside a fortnight's worth of detentions so their quarterback could play another school and win their next game.

We drove home in silence and I helped George carry his stuff inside and up to his room. He changed himself in the closet while I stood outside leaning against the wall (fucking pussies couldn't stay in the same room and change 🙄) then I helped him onto the bed and went to get some ice to put on his cracked rib.

Once I'd given him his ice I sat down on the couch quietly, George clearly wanted me to come and lie with him but I didn't want to risk hurting the brunette any further than he already was. My eyes were full of sympathy as we watched eachother, when George realised I wasn't going to just come over he practically started whining for me.

"Clay, please. I want a pillow to hug and to distract me from the pain."
That was one of the last ones he said when I gave in. I kicked off my shoes and sat down beside him before laying down and propping myself on my shoulders.

The second my face was near his, George kissed me on the lips before I carefully wrapped an arm around him, however instantly retracting it when I heard him let out a small groan of pain when I brushed against a particularly large bruise.

We sat silently, tears at the corners of our eyes until the brunette fell asleep.

This is all my fault, I could have prevented this if I went with George instead of staying to help set up.

I let out a sigh as a thick tear rolled down my cheek as I fell asleep.
1077 words.

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