Chapter 21: hero

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Clay POV.

I took the next 2 days off of school to help look after George, who got better quite fast, despite some very obvious bruises on his face and leg.

The entirety of Sunday he stayed in the bed, and made me stay in the same room with him the entire time, (he claims it's because he's lonely but I knew differently).
On Monday after lunch he finally managed to have a shower without collapsing on the floor. He claimed that he'd be fine to return to school the next day but his limp was painfully obvious no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
Tuesday he got way better, and I decided that we could probably go back to school the next day.

He finally let me sleep in my own room on the Tuesday night, and I admit, I missed my own bed.

George POV.
The next morning.

I admit, after a 4 day weekend it sucked having to go back to school, but it felt good to have something to do other than laying in bed, watching movies and eating junk food, even though those were 3 of my favourite hobbies.

Fast forward an hour or 2 from when I woke up and we were once again in the Ferrari, with the blond driving down the road with the windows down, despite the cold morning. It felt good to be out of the house, and have a change of scenery.

The car sped down the road before eventually pulling into the school carpark and parking in it's usual spot.

Unlike every other day I've been at school with Clay there were no crowds of girls hanging around outside for us, but after being absent for 2 days and considering the cold, cloudy weather that was they'd probably all be inside where it's warm.

Clay climbed out and then came round to my side of the car to open the door, "You don't need to keep doing this." I growled at him.
"Oh come on Georgie, we both know you don't mind."
The blond playfully hit my shoulder as we walked into the school.

All the lockers lining the hall had students swarming around them, and when the girls saw Clay the usual thing happened. Running, screaming, confessing their love.
I sighed as they swarmed him, trying to surround him completely and they attempted to push me out of the way of the crowd, Clay only stopped them by pulling me closer to him and sending glares at them.

They kept chattering amongst themselves and asking the blond questions about why he was away for 2 days. Some asked questions about why he left the party so quickly on Friday, damn that party felt like it happened weeks ago. Others asked him about the fight with Nick and Zak.

Apparently someone at school had seen what happened, and she told her friends and boyfriend who all told their friends and it just kept spreading around the school like wildfire.
It had started off with, 'Clay protected George from Nick and Zak when they attacked him in the street,' but then, knowing how gossip goes it grew into something so unbelievable, Clay single-handedly fought off a gang who were trying to mug a singer touring around the US. Seriously, how do they fucking believe this?
No matter what story they went with they could all agree on one thing, as well as being handsome and popular, Clay was the school's new hero.

Clay and I managed to make our way to our first class by pushing through the ocean of girls. We settled in our usual seats beside eachother just as the bell rang and exchanged small smiles as our teacher, Mr Phallus walked into the room. He took the roll and then his eyes looked over to me and the blond, mainly just looking over my bruises, which were still extremely visible despite me using a large amount of concealer to cover them up.
"The principal knew you'd both be back today, he wants you to head to his office, now please."

The blond and I made eye contact before standing and leaving the classroom, my cheeks flushed red as all the eyes of my classmates stared at me and Clay. I wasn't used to this much attention, even when I was with the blond in a crowd of girls with many more students then my class all eyes were on him. But now, with an equal amount of attention on me I felt like melting under the heat of their eyes which burned stronger than laser's. Clay was somehow unfazed but I could tell he was still worried about why the principal wanted to see us.

We walked down the halls to the office, where we were instructed to sit by the elderly lady instructed us to sit outside his door and wait for him, which we did. A couple wooden chairs sat outside the door which we settled into nervously, glancing at eachother and trying to figure out if we'd done anything wrong.

The principal didn't leave us waiting long, soon after we sat she opened the door and beckoned us into the room. Her office was lined with art done by students and framed photos of the school and her family, on her desk was a computer, a nameplate reading Mrs Williams and student files on both myself and Clay which made us both even more concerned. She instructed us to sit down on a couch in the corner of the room before she seated herself at her desk.

"I think we can get straight to business." Mrs Williams began as she adjusted her glasses, was wondering if you two could tell me about what happened to young Mr Davidson's face, regarding the..." She stopped talking, but motioned to several of the bruises on my face.
"Isn't what happens to students outside of school not your concern?" Clay asked.

The principal sighed, "in most cases yes, but as far as I am aware Mr Davidson was assaulted by 2 other students and it is my job to know about it."
"Well... Yes then, George was assaulted by 2 other students."
The principal looked from the blond to me, "what are there names?" She asked us.
I spoke up, "Nick Jones and Zak Craig, but there's also Wilbur Soot."
(what basic last names I came up with. So proud of myself)

Mrs Williams then dialled the elderly woman in the main office, which was strange because she could just open the door to talk to her, "can you get Nick Jones, Wilbur Soot and Zak Craig to come to my office please. Thank you."
With that she hung up the phone and turned back to us, "tell me what happened with them." She instructed.

We spent the next 5 minutes explaining everything that happened to me on Sunday, well mainly Clay explained everything and I just sat there quietly not wanting to talk. The only time I made any noise was when Clay asked me if he was explaining everything right, to which I'd only mutter a small yes.
He told the principal about stuff even before Sunday, the fight on Friday, him having to stop them from knocking me unconcious on his first day and them bullying me for years beforehand.

Once we were done the principal gave me a sympathetic smile, "if you had been bullied for years then why didn't you tell us George?" She asked.
I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

Then she went over to the main door and opened it, where Wilbur, Zak and Nick were sitting on the wooden chairs we had been in earlier. "Mr Soot, Mr Jones, Mr Craig, I think we have a large mess to sort out and you three seem to be right in the middle of it."
1318 words.

Also I've noticed this story has a lot more reads then my others do.
Please check out my other stories if you like them, including:

Kidnappers (DNF)
Kidnappers (part 2) (DNF)
Rich Romance (DNF)
Gangs (Skephalo)

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