Chapter 75: tears.

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Clay POV.

I rubbed my eyes slowly as I sat up, noticing instantly the bed was empty besides myself. George was here last night, did he go back to sleep in his own room or something?

I slid out of the bed and walked out into the hallway, walking over to George's room only to discover the door locked and the sound of someone crying inside. Tentatively I knocked on the door, but got no response, "George?" I asked, immediately hearing his quiet cries go completely silent.

The brunette didn't respond, I let out a small sigh before continuing, "it's Clay." 
Still no answer, "I know you are awake and we need to talk."

After a moment of silence George spoke up, "Clay, can you piss off. I have better things to do."
My heart dropped, immediately realising what must have happened, he saw the photos. I should have explained what happened last night but didn't, so he ended up seeing it on Twitter and assuming the story.

I spoke up about this, my voice sounding strange; weak, shaky and fast paced. "George please. I-I think I know what upset you and I want to explain what happened... Please."
"Go away Clay. I don't want you around!" I heard George growl angrily from his room.

A tear rolled down my cheek, as I stood wondering what the Brit was doing in there. When some people get really depressed they cut themselves, I hope to God that George wasn't doing that.

Immediately a panic set in, and I began throwing my weight against the door trying to push it open, fortunately for me it did.

George POV.

"Go away Clay! I don't want you around!"

There was silence for a minute, did he leave? Did I want him to leave?

Suddenly I heard something being pushed against the door, trying to force it open. It may have been Clay, or one of my parents or maybe a murderer here to kill me but none of those options made me move. I just forced my head into my hands stayed with my back pressed against the wall.

Eventually the door was opened and the blond came running into the room, his eyes drifted over to my curled up figure and he slowed down slightly, before stopping about 10 feet away from me. "George?"

I ignored him, refusing to speak as I turned my head away to avoid eye contact. "George... Please, I know what you probably saw but it's wrong. I can explain everything I promise."
Clay took a step closer, causing me to tense up slightly. "Get out of my room Clay. I don't want you to be here."

From the corner of my eye I saw how that sentence broke the blond, he looked down at the floor for a minute, possibly trying to hide a fact that a tear was rolling down his cheek, before looking back to me.
"Look Georgie I..."
"Get the fuck out!"
The blond ignored me, continuing as though I hadn't just told him to get out, "... I-I'm sorry that that happened. I was drunk."

"Personally, I don't care. A couple drinks of beer shouldn't change the fact that you are dating someone, and that you live in their fucking house. Yet you still fucking kissed her!" I growled, Clay opened his mouth to try and defend himself but I personally didn't care, shutting him up with a harsh glare.

"Don't try and fucking speak. Just get out please!" I couldn't hold back my tears any longer and they began running down my face in large streaks. The man opposite me lowered his head and turned to leave, but stopped when I accidentally let out a large sob.

Before I got the chance to yell at him to leave again he pulled me into a hug, sitting himself down on his knees to be level with me. Push him off! Come on, push him off!
I didn't.
The blonds arms were wrapped protectively and lovingly, rubbing small, gentle circles on my back.

Every so often I tried to weakly push it away but it never worked, he'd just come back and continue hugging me. Slowly, I got uses to it and allowed him to slowly calm me down. When Clay realised this he pushed away from me slightly and gave a small smile, "George.. you can be mad at me. I was drunk and I did kiss her but at least let me explain everything before you get your parents to fire me."

I thought over what he said for moment before slowly nodding. He began a recount of what happened at the dance while sitting himself down a few feet away.

"Darryl and Zak met me there, like you told them too. Then I told them to go have a good time together and went for a drink.
The school had a weird flavour of coke, that I hadn't tasted before, so I couldn't tell something was off until after a few glasses and I heard someone claim they spiked the drink.
I decided to ignore it thinking I'd be fine and get Zak or Darryl to give me a ride home, then went to dance with a big group of students. Somehow after that I ended up dancing with just one girl... Emma, and after the dance she kissed me."

My eyes narrowed in annoyance, and I clenched my fists grabbing at the thick carpet under my hands. The blond noticed and raised his hands defensively, "Georgie, I promise that the second she did that I pushed her away. And-and I was going to tell you last night but you were asleep, and you looked cute so I didn't want to wake you." He mumbled the last part of the sentence and tried to cover it up, although failing miserably.

I just looked down at the ground, conflicted as to how I should feel. Clay got slightly impatient.
He clearly wanted a response, I just looked up at him with wide, confused eyes and shrugged, "is there anything else you want to say?"
The blond looked down for a moment before glancing back up and catching my eye, "I-I love you George."

We just both sat there, unsure what to say next. Which one of us should speak? What should we say? What should we do? I exhaled slightly, "can you please leave to let me think Clay?" I asked, feeling tears starting to form once again.

Clay nodded and stood up, but before he left the room he walked closer to me and picked me up before laying me down on my bed. I had a confused expression and the blond just shrugged, still having a glum mood, "just didn't think leaning against a wall like that would be too good for your ribs." He explained before turning and leaving.

I watched as he disappeared out of the door, closing it behind him then I turned to the window and looked out it... Conflicted.

The one person who would have helped me out with figuring out something like this was my Pillow... But now he's not here.
And I am alone. I just yelled at my best and first friend, at my boyfriend and now I may have ruined our relationship forever.

Finally, I allowed a tear to roll down my cheek.
1235 words.

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