Chapter 36: ice cream 🍦

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Ooooh, 2 chapters released back to back.

I did not really take this chapter seriously.
Clay POV.

George sat quietly, lost in thought for most of the day, and I hadn't had much of a chance to speak to him. The moment that the bell rang at the end of the day though I grabbed George and dragged him out of the class and out of the school before pulling him into his seat in the car.

Once we were both in the car and I had started driving I gave him a worried look. "What is wrong Georgie?" I asked him.
"Nothing, just thinking about stuff."
I raised an eyebrow wanting an explanation from him but he didn't give me one.
I was unsure of what to say, but spoke nonetheless "please can you tell me George, I want to help you... as your friend."
"Are you a therapist now Pillow?" He retorted

"Yes I am, now spill the beans. Pillow is also able to hang you over the edge of a bridge if you don't tell me what's wrong."
"Very comforting Clay, and good way too keep your job."
He sighed before talking, "just was thinking about what happened this morning."
"Uh-huh, go on."
"You sound so much like my old therapist it's fucking scary, and no I am not going on. I know damn well you are thinking the same thing I am."

I sighed, "fine then, want to go get an ice cream or something."
"Wait why an ice cream?" George asked, cause that was the most important thing I'd said throughout the entire conversation.
"Because that's what your therapist, Dr Pillowcase prescribes."
The brunette rolled his eyes beside me, "It's just pillow."
"Whatever Georgie."

I drove us for about 15 minutes, to a sandy beach. The sunny afternoon was quiet and still, beautiful weather and the beach was almost empty with most people being at work still.
As I usually did, I opened the door for the Brit and walked side by side with him to an ice cream parlour.

A lady was sitting behind the counter of the parlour chewing gum and flipping through a magazine, clearly it wasn't a busy day. She glanced up as we approached, obviously not expecting customers today.
"What would you like today?" She asked, chewing her gum in between each word.

I nudged George forward, so he could look at the menu and he examined it for a minute, the worker clearly annoyed at how much time we were wasting. Eventually he spoke up, "can I please get a double scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream?" The brunette requested politely.
The worker nodded and made an ice cream swiftly, then passed it to George before turning to me. "And for you?"

"Uhhhh." I examined the collection of brightly coloured flavours as George began licking his ice cream. "One scoop cookies and cream, and one of birthday cake."
The lady complied and then handed me over the cone as I paid.

Then we walked off, along a wooden boardwalk with small plants growing on either side. We strolled along, admiring the sparkling waves, each licking our cones which were starting to melt.
I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the Brit looked in the early evening sunlight.

George POV.

As we ate our ice creams and walked further away from the car park I couldn't help but notice how often the blond glanced over in my direction.
"Is there a problem Pillow?" I asked him.
He looked over me, apparently he'd been lost in thought and smiled when he realised I was talking to him.

"No. No problem Georgie. Just thinking about stuff."
His eyes trailed over me and lingered on my own for a moment, in a somewhat awkward silence before he spoke up, trying to ease the slight tension. "So what flavour did you get again George, I don't think I've had it before."

My eyes moved over to my ice cream which was melting at a gradual pace, "oh... mint chocolate chip, it's one of my favourite flavours." I explained to the blond.
He nodded slightly as he took another lock of his cone, his eyes still meeting mine. "What does mint chocolate chip ice cream taste like?"
"It obviously tastes like mint flavoured ice cream with chocolate chips sprinkled on top."
Clay let out a laugh "That is a terrible explanation Georgie..."

The blond leaned forward and gave himself a lick of my ice cream, causing me to send him a frustrated look, "... But that explanation was accurate." He continued once he had a moment to process the flavour.
"You better not have just taken a lick of my ice cream Pillow." I sent him an furious look, to which he just replied with a smirk, "is there a problem with that Georgie?"
I responded through gritted teeth, "yes there is, because I like my food more than I like you and you just took some of my food without asking."

Clay POV.

It was both funny and scary to see the brunette get this worked up over food, especially the look he gave me after I had taken a lick of his half eaten ice cream.
"Yes there is" the brunette replied to my previous remark through barred teeth, "because I like my food more than I like you and you took some of my food without asking."

He thinks this was intimidating but it was really just funny. "You can have some of mine if you want Georgie." I said holding my cone out in front of him.
The Brit's expression changed slightly, his lips curving upwards into a slight smile, "maybe I will" he replied.

I thought he was about to lick the cone when he ripped it out of my hand and dashed ahead. The brunette slowed to a stop and sat down on a bench before he began eating the ice cream, alternating between mine and his on occasion as I walked to catch up with him. When I finally reached the Brit I took a seat beside him, "can I have my ice cream back please?"
George gave me a childish look, "sorry but pillows that annoy the shit out of George and eat George's ice cream do not get to finish eating their own ice creams."
"Then pillow is sorry now give me my damn ice cream."

George gave a small laugh as he leaned against my shoulder, giving me a look that told me I wasn't getting my ice cream back.
I hate wasting food but I can't give him the satisfaction of knowing that he can just steal my food. If I can't eat my own ice cream than neither can he.

Then my hand quickly swatted the nearest cone onto one of the wooden panels of the boardwalk at our feet.

That was the last thing I remembered before running for my life with a small angry brunette craving ice cream chasing after me.
1156 words.

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