Banquets and Bruises

Start from the beginning

Once the food had all but vanished Arthur lead the way to the ballroom. Upon their entry the small orchestra began playing a variety of melodies and soon the dance floor was full of synchronized dancers. Merlin swept Morgana around, naturally dipping and spinning her much to the Princess's delight.

The dancing ensued long into the night by which time many guests had retired to their chambers. Most remaining party goers consisted of the couple's closest friends and family, shifting the conversation from small talk to banterous laughter.

"I'm going to get a drink. Want anything?" Merlin asked, slightly out of breath from their dancing.

"No thanks," Morgana replied, kissing Merlin on the cheek before making a beeline to Gwen.

Merlin headed over to the beverage table and was instantly swarmed by his friends. With a knowing smile he continued pouring his drink, tuning out the knights questions.

"Come on mate when are you gonna ask her!" Gwaine exclaimed in a hushed whisper.

"Soon." Came Merlin's cryptic reply. He took a sip of wine, smirking into the cup at the response he received.

"About damn time!" Lancelot all but shouted.

"I was starting to wonder if you had the balls to ask her."

"Oh shut up Gwiane." Merlin sniped but his smile never dropped. How could it? He had been waiting for this night for months, nothing would ruin his mood. Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Morgana laughing with Gwen, head titled to the ceiling allowing her hair to tumble down her back.

"Earth to Merlin." Arthur droned, clicking his fingers in front of Merlin's face in order to regain his attention.

"Hmm? Sorry."

"Jeez Merlin you could at least act interested." The king rolled his eyes at Merlin's flushed cheeks. He pushed his friend in the direction of Morgana, throwing him a tiny black box in the process. Merlin caught it effortlessly despite his sweating palms. He hesitantly injected himself into Gwen and Morgana's conversation, placing his arm around Morgana's waist in the smoothest of fashion.

"That was quick." Morgana whispered, not wanting to interrupt Gwen's rather passionate rant. Her tone sent shivers down his spine, dashing away any nerves he had left.

"Wanna take a walk."

"Sure," Morgana bid Gwen farewell and together they left the ballroom. Merlin came incredibly close to cursing Gwaine who had to play them out with obnoxiously loud wolf whistles.

"Where are we going hun?"

"The gardens. I have something I want to talk to you about."

If Morgana wasn't nervous before she certainly was now. Her mind raced a mile a minute as she was lead down corridor after corridor. The night air was somewhat of a relief, calming her down enough to think properly.

They stopped when they came to a beautiful closed courtyard with vines that crawled up the ragged stone walls. In the centre sat four polished stone benches all circling a bed of roses. A water feature sat in the corner supplying a relaxing melody that blended with the night owl's singing.

"Morgana," Merlin sat her on one of the benches, intertwining their hands as a form of moral support. "Six years ago when I first came to Camelot you showed me nothing but kindness. You've been my best friend through the good and the bad. You believed in me when no one else would. I have cherished every day we have spent together, despite wondering why on earth you chose me of all people to spend them with."

Morgana's heart began to pound against her chest, unsure of what direction this was going.

"Since we have been together you have made me feel complete, alive. So, Morgana Pendragon..."

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