




Sato:"Incredible......what just happened to Kaminari.......before he was scared and start screaming like a little girl.....and now he's eager to fight and plus.....what with the new colour?"

Tenya:"I can't explain what is happening right now....or even put my finger on it...."

Meanwhile Izumi was looking down glumy as the rest look at her if she was okay...


Izuku then put a finger on his chin and start thinking......about another important thing that his uncle Nighteye said about the Quirk Singularity Theory.......when reaching it limits......a Quirk can underwent an 'Awakening State', giving the user abilities that he/she never had before.....the first case in their class was Kirishima......the second one is Kaminari......now let's wonder who's the third one....now......






Kirishima then came out the rumble and brush himself before noticing that Koda and the others were in trouble...





The air wall can't be very durable...




Kirishima then activated his Quirk and landed a punch to the cube....with no effect....





It's surprisingly tough....




Kirishima then turn into Red Riot Unbreakable...

Kirishima:"Well.....I'll Strike again!!!" he then punch the cube harder this time causing it to shatter and freeing Koda.

Koda:"T-Thanks Kirishima!!" then they noticed that something was coming in their way and getting closer and closer....

Kirishima:"KODA!! MOVE!!!" he then pushed him out the way and get hit instead........revealing to be no other than......Kaminari, who was out of energy.....and badly injured...

Jurota:"Oops.....did I went a little rough......."

Kirishima then look up to see  whole monster.....infront of him...bigger than before....

bigger than before

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ