
Henri was outside by the archery target. He pulled the string and released the arrow, hitting it at the centre as always.

"May I interrupt Your Grace?", Henri's arrow went astray as he was startled by a soft voice.

He turned to find Mary, holding a basket that was filled with foods and a blanket. She smiled as she held a jug of wine. Maggie and Mary's ladies dutifully stood behind her.

"I thought you would like some", she said, nervously.

The ladies laid the blanket and the food. They stood not far, giving them privacy, but still casted their watchful eyes towards the soon to be husband and wife.

Henri chewed the apple while Mary sipped the wine. Both were a foot apart, nervous unlike before.

"Do you think this is weird? You and I?", Henri spoke.

"Do you?".

"I'm not sure. We grew up together and soon..., we will be...".

"Husband and wife?", Mary turned to Henri.

"I promise you, Mary. I will be truthful and faithful to you. I will not hurt you nor will I force you to do things you will not do".

Mary smiled. "I promise to be a dutiful wife and to love you and our children".

"I don't think we will consummate our wedding so soon".

"Why not?".

"You're young. I rather wait than to force you so soon".

Mary blushed, giggling a little. She set her hand on top of his. Henri, took her hand and kissed it.

Maggie smiled at their interactions. Freja and Catherine arrived with their ladies and saw their children together.

"We are sisters and soon, we will be in-laws", said Catherine.

"And one day, Mary will be queen, just like her mother", Freja smiled.

On their wedding day, Mary wore a similar dress to her mother's. Astrid Katheryn made her a bouquet consisted of red roses and white daisies.

Henri wore cream coloured. He had trimmed his hair a little and he had combed his hair, just to tame the wild curls.

Richard entered, looking regal in green and black. On his hand, was a small box. Richard opened it and presented to his son a circlet.

"Your Uncle Arthur wore this on his wedding day. I'm sure he will want you to wear it", Richard set the circlet on his son's head.

"He died young, didn't he?".

"...He did".

"I'm afraid, papa. Is it normal to feel this way?".

"It's a big step. I felt so afraid too, but at that time, I didn't know if I will live another day. You, on the other hand, don't need to worry about it".

"Uncle Henry can still raise an army".

"Your uncle is locked away and I doubt anyone will listen to him".

"And Boleyn?".

"He raises an army, I will kill his son".

Henri chuckled. "Why do you make it sound so easy?".

Richard laughed. "Because I'm used to it".

"I'm scared I'll never be like you".

"When you rule, you will be yourself. I've done terrible things, Henri. Out of vengeance and out of survival. I hope you won't have to do the things I did".

"Was it that bad?".

Richard sighed. "It is. What I've done..., is unforgivable. You would hate me if you ever know".

"Does mother know?".

"Of course. I don't keep secrets from her".

Henri hugged his father. "You're my papa. How could I hate you?".

Freja arrived to find her oldest son and her husband embracing each other, making her heart warm. She walked towards them.

"Come, we will be late".

Henri wore his cap and ran ahead, towards his cousin Hal Brandon and Henry FitzRoy. Richard held out his arm and Freja hooked hers on him.

Henri Frederick Plantagenet, Prince of Wales was married to Mary Tudor, Princess of Wales. The Londoners celebrated the day, throwing petals and blessings to the newlyweds.

Richard and Freja watched the procession with pride. He knows, they will rule well when he's gone one day.

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