Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

All Rights Reserved

*Niall's POV*

As I ride in the back of the ambulance with my mom and brother while Natalie is out cold, I hold her hand even though she isn't gripping my hand back. I just don't know why Natalie would risk her life just to save mine.

"Niall, this girl risked her life for you," Greg states and turns to our mother. "I think she really does love your son."

"Well, now I feel bad because she had to die in order for her to prove it to me," my mom responds and stares at Natalie with an indifferent expression.

"I just don't know why you didn't like her!" I shout at her.

"She broke up with you," my mom responds.

"Because I jumped to conclusions and cheated on her. I just told you that she cheated on me because that was the jumping to conclusions part. Also, I was selfish and stupid and didn't realize that she is the best thing that ever happened to me," I exclaim and tighten my grip on her hand. She is still breathing, but the paramedic said she might not make it.

"You know, Niall, that would have been helpful information before," she barks back at me and I feel like crying. I can't handle this.

"Let's stop blaming everyone and just realize that no matter what happened before dinner, that man still would've attempted in killing Niall and Natalie still would've saved Niall. Our opinions don't matter right now. We have to look at the bigger picture. Instead of blaming everyone, let's try to find a way to help Natalie," Greg interrupts the quarrel. I just look down at Natalie and use my free hand to stroke her face.

"I love her more than anyone could ever imagine and if she leaves me today, I might just not make it. I will probably more broken than I ever thought I could be. She is everything to me and I hope she doesn't leave me. I love her," I explain and her eyes start to move. "Nat," I whisper and her green eyes come back to life.

"Niall," she whispers and grips onto my hand. I've been missing her grip and now I have it again.

"Please don't leave me," I state and she nods her head.

"I don't want to leave you," she replies and she winces in pain when the feeling in her shoulder returns. She starts to cry and I squeeze her hand in a comforting way. I need her to understand that I am here for her no matter what we will go through.

We arrive at the hospital and she lay in her bed with a bandage covering her shoulder to attempt to stop the bleeding. I grab a seat and pull it up to the side of her bed.

"There isn't a moment in our relationship that I'd change," I state and she smiles.

"I don't regret anything about us. I love you," she responds and sighs. "If this is goodbye, I met you in a hospital and I'm leaving you in a hospital. Our relationship would start and end in a hospital. Isn't that just weird?"

"No, you aren't leaving me. You are staying alive whether you like that or not," I command. "I hope you like that."

"I want to stay here, Niall, and spend the rest of my life with you, but I feel so cold and weak. I can't feel my right arm and I feel as though there is no hope," she explains and a tear slips out of my eye.

"There is hope, Nat, just believe," I whisper and she forces a smile.

"I am so tired," she states and her eyes close. She is still alive, but barely. The doctor walks in and looks towards us.

"There isn't anything we can do other than pray for a miracle. She needs blood, but we can't find anyone with her blood type," the doctor explains.

"What is her blood type?" Greg asks.

"Her blood type is A positive," the doctor replies and Greg and our mom look towards me.

"What?" I ask.

"Niall, your blood type is A positive," my mom exclaims and I smile.

"I can help Natalie live?" I ask and the doctor nods. "Of course I will donate my blood. Anything for Natalie to live is what I will do. This can be my way of repaying her for saving my life." I follow the doctor into a center where there are peoplr getting their blood pulled. I wince at the needles, but I need to suck it up. This is for Natalie.

"Ok, Mr. Horan, the nurse will be here to pull your blood very shortly," the doctor explains and I sit down in a chair right next to a table. A few moments later, a nurse walks in as she puts on sterile gloves.

"Hold out your arm," the nurse commands and I obey. She picks up the needle and pushes it in my arm. I wince, but return to normal. The needle takes out a pint of blood and I am done. That is all Natalie needs and I feel so happy that I could be the reason she lives.

"Mr. Horan, take your family and go home. We will call you if she is fine or if it is the unfortuante luck that she does die," the doctor explains and I just nod.

"Thank you, doctor," I respond and he smiles.

My mom, Greg, and I walk out of the hospital and back to the car. Greg drives us back to our house.

"Niall, if Natalie lives, I think she would be a great girl for you. Most girls wouldn't have sacrificed their life for yours. Not even your biggest fans would do that. You love her and she loved you. I can't change that," my mom admits and I hug her.

"Oh, thank you so much, mom," I say with a huge smile on my face. Natalie has to live. If she doesn't, I have no idea what I'll do.

I have trouble falling asleep wondering if Natalie will be ok or not ok when I wake up. I don't want her to leave me here alone on this planet. She is the only person who knows how to keep me on my feet. She is the one I'll always love no matter what. If she dies, I am dying alone because there is no one else in this world that could make me feel how she makes me feel. No one.

I finally fall asleep.

"Niall, I am so glad I survived," Natalie says to me as we lay in a grassy meadow.

"I am so glad I gave you some of my blood to keep you alive," I reply and she smiles.

"I appreciate that," she responds with a smile. She takes my hand and looks into my blue eyes with her green eyes. "Niall," she states. "Niall."

"Niall!" Greg shouts and I wake up instantly and fall off my bed. I look up and see him staring down at me with a 'seriously?' expression on his face.

"Sorry," I state timidly and he laughs as he just walks away into the living room. I follow him and notice he's watching TV.

The phone starts ringing and I answer it immediately. "Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Yes, is this Mr. Horan? This is the hospital calling. Natalie is..."

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