Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

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*Natalie's POV*

I take out my key to my dorm room and push it in the lock. I have been trying to call and text Niall for hours now, but he won't answer. He won't give me any explanations...nothing. He is just completely ignoring me.

I open the door and I see Annie standing there with her suitcase packed.

"My plane leaves in two hours. Wish me luck," she explains and hugs me.

"I think your family will welcome you with open arms," I say and she smiles.

"I sure hope so," she says with her natural optimistic attitude. Annie is so happy all the time and I am sometimes jealous. She has such a positive outlook on life and she is extremely smart.

"Well, I know so," I exclaim and she exits the room closing the door behind her. I am alone. I am in here alone for a couple weeks with just me and my books. I was hoping Niall would answer if I called just one more time.

I dial his number, but I receive the same exact alert. "Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging system," the voice informs me that he ignored my call. Again. What the hell did I do wrong?

I set my phone on my desk and put my head down. This is just great. My best friend is leaving for a couple weeks and my boyfriend isn't talking to me. Does this mean we aren't together aymore? I just need to know why he is being so cold.

I try to go to sleep considering it is 9:30 and that is my usual bedtime according to Annie, but my eyes just don't want to close. Hours go by and now it's 2 am when I hear a knocking at my door. With a confused expression, I catiously walk towards the door. I pick up Annie's softball bat and open the door slowly. I see Niall standing there with a blonde girl wearing only a bra and underwear. Niall has his arm around her waist and he is obviously drunk. No doubt.

"Hello, Natalie. You're the girl who cheated and broke my heart," he says pulling the slutty girl closer to him. "Let me show you how it feels." With that said, he starts making out with the girl. A tear finds a path down my cheek and I close the door when they walk inside uninvited.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask through my tears and I can tell I may be sleeping in another person's room tonight. My other friend, Jocelyn, said if I ever needed to go to her at any time that her arms were open.

"You kissed my best friend and never told me," Niall states throwing a picture at my face. I grab the picture before it hits the ground and see Liam and me kissing. This is the picture Penny took. I thought I told her not to give it to anyone.

"Wait, Niall, this isn't what it looks like at all," I say. When Liam kissed me, I was single. Niall wasn't my boyfriend yet. That doesn't count at all. And in the picture you can see my Foot Locker uniform in the background. This is obviously an old picture. How can Niall not see that?

"You lying piece of shit," Niall retorts and I feel the tears coming on. "I am doing this girl just so you know that my heart isn't something to play around with." He says and begins undressing himself and landing on my bed with the slutty girl.

"Fine," I say and I walk into the kitchen with the picture. I write a note on the back.


         I remember you telling me that no matter what happens between us that we would find some way to overcome it. I thought you said we both would do that. And besides, just look at the picture. Do you see the Foot Locker uniform in the background? I was single when this occured. It was the day I first met you and you are being stupid about this. You didn't have to get drunk and rub it in my face that we're obviously over. You shouldn't have been so immature. So, I guess I will give you what you want and leave you alone and single. Since you'd rather sleep around while drunk than be with me, this is goodbye and don't even think about ever coming back into my life.


I walk out of the kitchen and spot them under the covers. I start crying and place the note and the picture on the coffee table so when Niall wakes up tomorrow morning,

I walk out the front door and knock on Jocelyn's door next to mine. She doesn't have a room mate, so I know for a fact she will let me stay here.

"Natalie?" Jocelyn asks as she opens the door to my tear stained face. "Come inside." She grabs my arm and pulls me inside while she closes the door behind me. "What's wrong? Who hurt you? Whoever did, they wil regret it, trust me," she explains and I shake my head.

"It's Niall," I state and she hugs me.

"Did you guys break up?" she asks in a comforting way and she looked interested and I know she will listen to me.

"I don't know. I think we did because our relationship will never be the same, I guarantee," I exclaim and she just stares at me with her big brown eyes.

"I am all ears," she states.

"Ok, well, the first day I met him, I guess his best friend, Liam, like me as well and Liam kissed me. My best friend at the time took a picture of it and I was single! I guess she leaked it to the public and now Niall is mad at me and accusing me of cheating. He was drunk and brought some blonde slut into my dorm room and started having sex with her in front of my own eyes," I explain and tears are pouring out of my eyes uncontrollably. "I don't know why he didn't just ask me about it first."

"He is being a bitch. Just don't worry about it. He isn't worth it. He just lost the most wonderful girl he would ever call his. That slut doesn't love him. She just wanted to do him and he will be heart broken in the morning, trust me. He will come crawling back to you," she explains. "It's what guys do."

"Why?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Who knows?" she replies and shrugs. "Let's get you to bed. You need to take your mind off of Niall and get over him."

"Ok," I agree and slip into her spare bed. I close my eyes and they're more obedient this time.

*Niall's POV*

I wake up in a bed that looks familiar. Where have I seen this room before? My head hurts and I can tell I probably drank last night.

I look around the room and realize it's Natalie's dorm room. What the hell am I doing in here?

I look over and see a blonde girl who doesn't look familiar at all sleeping silently next to me. I take a breath and climb out of the bed. I slip my clothes on and look towards the door when a voice startles me.

"Oh, Niall, leaving so soon?" the blonde girl asks and I just shake my head.

"Leave," I say when I realize that I had sex with her. Where is Natalie, though? What happened last night?

"Ok, but don't forget to call me sometime," she winks at me and leaves the room while closing the door behind her. I take a seat on the couch and notice the picture of Liam and Natalie kissing. A tear slips down my cheek. How could Natalie do this?

I pick it up and notice a note.


              I remember you telling me that no matter what happens between us that we would find some way to overcome it. I thought you said we both would do that. And besides, just look at the picture. Do you see the Foot Locker uniform in the background? I was single when this occured. It was the day I first met you and you are being stupid about this. You didn't have to get drunk and rub it in my face that we're obviously over. You shouldn't have been so immature. So, I guess I will give you what you want and leave you alone and single. Since you'd rather sleep around while drunk than be with me, this is goodbye and don't even think about ever coming back into my life.


I finish reading and tears are fogging up in my eyes. I should've confronted her. She knows I had sex with that girl. And I hurt her. I need to find her. I don't care that she told me she never wanted to see me again. I love her more than anything.

And I am not giving up.

Why You Wanna {Niall Horan Love Story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora