Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Mrs. Keen (my English teacher)

Chapter Two

All Rights Reserved

*Natalie's POV*

As I'm in the car with Penny, all I can think about is my aunt. She's sick and dying. How am I not crying? How am I completely all right right now? I should be in tears. I should be upset. She was everything to me. I love her.

"It's ok to not feel any pain, Nat," my mom says noticing my sad expression. How does she know exactly why I'm upset? This is so weird. She is just like Anthony. Or is it that Anthony is just like my mom?

"I just thought I would show a little emotion," I say and she nods.

"Dorothy would be so proud of you when we tell her that you aren't crying. She wouldn't want you to be crying. You know her," my mom tries to console me, but it's no use. There isn't one good explanation as to why I am fine.

"I know, but why am I like this?" I ask needing answers.

"Because you know in your heart that Aunt Dorothy wouldn't want that," she replies.

"I'm fine," Penny says, "and I was so close to her, too." I just look at Penny's brown eyes and know that it isn't just me feeling this way. It has to be normal.

"Ok," I say and everyone goes silent.

"How about after we visit Dorothy, we take a tour around New York City," my mom explains and Penny starts panting like she's excited about something.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask jokingly and she smiles awkwardly.

"One Direction is in New York City right now!" Penny shouts and I shake my head. "What?"

"You and One Direction," I say and laugh.

"You never tell me who your favorite is," she pouts.

"I barely even know of them. I can't even remember their names," I say and she laughs.

"Fine just try and say your favorite," she says. "I have to hear this."

"Ryan Stain the Irish one with curly brown hair and he wears stripes all the time," I say and Penny's face becomes a blank expression. "What?"

"You morphed them all into one," she states and pulls out a picture of them. "Which one is the hottest according to you?"

"Um," I say and think about it. They're not really smoking hot, but they aren't ugly either. They look just like the average teenage boy to me. I guess they're cute and stuff, but I don't think they're anything special.

"Anytime today?" Penny asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know," I respond and she asks my mom to put in their new album Take Me Home.

I begin to listen to the first song Live While We're Young and I actually like it.

"It's about chocolate," I say after the song is over.

"You think every song is about chocolate," Penny replies and I smile.

"Well, how do you know it's not? They say they're going crazy and chocolate sometimes makes you crazy. I speak from experience. Man, I just love chocolate," I explain and start daydreaming about chocolate.

"I swear you're just like Liam," she says and I become bewildered. There is a Liam Jenkins in my English class and he's, well, awkward. He always brags about having the best grades in the class and the only person who likes him is his twin brother Mark. They are complete opposites, but everyone likes Mark. I need to give him credit, though. He always stands up for his brother.

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